"How far are you to the complex?" Kolt radioed over the comm.
I haven't had time to figure out how far I traveled, and the muddy swamp water didn't help at all. A thing to know about the Okefenokee swamp--is that its full of hidden underwater trenches and sinkholes, along with wild gators. The trees stretched as far as tall office buildings, and hide away the sun so that it will never touch the bottom. It made traveling thru the swamp even more dangerous--and did i mention Alligators?
I pressed by fingers to my right ear, and activated my comm. "You must be so comfy in that car of yours, huh Kolt?" I said to him bitterly.
It wasn't far that I got stuck doing the dirty work, and he can just sit around while I rummage thru the swamp. He radioed in soon as I called him...
"Yes, as a matter of fact I am comfy. All so very comfy" he bragged.
"Oh~ what I give to drown you right now."
"I know." he added, "Have you found the complex yet?"
What I was looking for was the entrance to an underground military complex. Abandon by the U.S. Military, it was once the place they would use to spy on Cuba, back during the Cold war. No one knew about it, but out targets did, and have been using it as their place of operation for months now. This could be our chance to put them down for good--if I could FIND IT!
With a feeling of frustration filling me, I started to rant about this whole fucking mission... "You keep asking me now, you keep asking five minutes ago, and the answer is still the same. NO I HAVE NOT FOUND IT YET!"
I may have spoken to soon. Behind some thick brush, there it was, the complexes entrance in all its stony glory. I quickly pushed my way thru the swamp, and on to the small island the entrance stood on. It was just a metal door, surrounded by gray stone rock--as a way not to draw attention to passerby's. No security cameras, so no worries about being seen yet.
"Let me guess...you found it." Kolt said amusingly. I gave him a grunt, as a way to let him know "Yes, I found the stupid entrance..."
Dragging my right hand across the door, I begin to think of the many ways to open the door. Explosives, lock picking, or should I just melt it instead? So many chooses not enough time.
"How do think I should open this door?" I asked Kolt.
"Melt or blow up?"
"Blow...defiantly blow that shit up."
I grinned at the thought. Taking a few steps back, I hold out my right arm--aiming for the door--and focus. A blue energy begins to form around my hand, and it starts to glow a little. That was when I knew it was ready.
"Llaberif." I commanded, firing a big ball of fire--about the size of a soccer-ball--at the door, causing it to blow up in a million pieces.
"Yep...defiantly blow that shit up." I said happily.
I moved past the burning doorway, and down a long set of stairs, leading into another door. This time i checked to see if the door was unlocked this time--and it was. I opened the door, and now found myself in a large open room. Stone pillars lined the walls, holding up the ceiling, and on the other side was a set of double doors. These guys must have loved doors.
Oh! I forgot to mention...
That whole fireball, and blowing the shit out of that door, was all done by magic. See, I'm what they call a Seeker.
No, not a wizard. Seekers are on a whole other level, than those old wind bags. Seekers can manipulate something called "Mana" and use it as magic--without the stupid wands. I'll get to the inter-workings of that whole mess later, but for now, know that I can use it to BLOW SHIT UP!
"Did that help?" Kolt asked over the comm.
"Yes, actually...that relieved some of my stress."
"Good, but save some for the targets, okay?"
I moved on and headed towards the double doors. Halfway thru, they swung open, and a couple of guards--dressed in black suits and ties--stepped into the room. Looks like they know I'm here. Now, you might think that these were normal humans right...well wrong. These guy are genuine monsters--with a capital M.
But wait, you might be think Monster aren't real, and I'm just BS'ing you right now. But let me assure you, that if I can shoot fireballs out of my hand, then why not Monster--am I right? Seekers are given the important task of making sure that the Monsters don't get out of hand. By any means from what I know.
The two guards stared at me for a minute--sniffing me out actually--and once they took note I was a Seeker they immediately showed their true selves. Their bodies began to bulge and expand, with their clothes being torn off, and their skin turning into a bright red tone. Soon horn began to grow out the top of their head, and their eyes went black as night. Whatever trace of their disguises were long gone. Now, only two ferocious beast stood were they stand. With large horns, a pig like face crossed between a humans, and long gray hair, they stood over me, giving me a harsh death glare.
"Man...that was disgusting." I said.
The Monster didn't look to pleased with my comment. One of them--the Monster to my right--pulled out a long, steel blade. The other had a mallet made of wood in his. We stood their, staring down each other, each with an intent to kill on another, and finally, one of them broke the silence...
"Who do ya think ya are?" said the mallet wielding Monster.
"Yeah!" shouted the other.
"I'm just the pizza delivery man." I lied.
"The Pizza delivery man?" said Mallet--what I'm calling him.
"Did we order pizza?" asked Blade.
I can't believe what I'm hearing. "No you idiots, I'm not the pizza delivery man, I'm a Seeker!"
"A Seeker!?" they both shouted.
"Well why didn't ya tell us?" Blade asked.
"Seekers get a special welcome." Mallet added.
Mallet lifted his weapon in the air, and swung at me. I narrowly avoid the attack, but i wasn't out of the woods yet. Blade had run up beside me, and took a swung with his weapon as well. Again, I avoid the attacks, but Blade's weapon had left a tare in my clothing. These two are good.
"Wait! I remember now!" Blade exclaimed.
"Yeah, your right," Mallet took his weapon and pointed it at me, "he's the bug we squashed back in Atlanta. Ain't ya?"
Looks like they figured it out, only, a little late.
"Ha! I'm surprised your here mate. What with the thrashing, the kicking, the..."
"Yeah I'm get it!" I snapped, "And I'm here to settle the score."
The two Ogres looked at each other, and started to laugh out of control. It only made me more angry, so while they weren't focused, I fired a fireball at them out of spite. They stopped laughing, and glared at me with that same death glare they gave me before. Looks like I hit a nerve
"Boy," Mallet began, "that was ya final chance to get the hell out, and ya blew it."
"I don't want to leave, and I'd had it with your crap!" I yelled.
"Well then bro, shall we?" Blade asked Mallet.
Mallet nodded, and the two had a different aura surround them. I knew they wanted to kill me, but now I could feel it. They were serious this time around. I readied myself for a fight, but what i got didn't seem fair. Mallet charged right at me, but I slid between his legs right before he had a chance to attack me. I then turned around and fired several fireballs at him, hitting his back. Blade however, knocked me from behind with the back of his blade, and into a wall. Like that, I was already defeated.
"Ya killed a lot of our friends in Atlanta, boy." Mallet growled. It was like none of my attacks fazed him.
"But now, we can avenge them, by taking you to boss Five." Blade said.
The world around me grew dark. My vision was fading fast, and i couldn't pick myself up. Soon I would fall unconscious. I think back to how this all began, and remember the first time I met Kolt.
That was my biggest mistake...
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