10 episodes
Episode 1
Wars End
Feb 17, 2020353 views
Episode 2
Test Run
Mar 11, 2020124 views
Episode 3
Apr 03, 2020112 views
Episode 4
Round One: The Old New
Apr 09, 202086 views
Episode 5
The Old New, Part 2
Apr 10, 2020107 views
Episode 6
Sky High
Apr 15, 2020124 views
Episode 7
Hunting Mantis, Part 1
Apr 21, 2020106 views
Episode 8
Hunting Mantis, Part 2
Apr 27, 2020118 views
Episode 9
The Core, Part 1
Nov 06, 202195 views
Episode 10
The Core, Part 2
Dec 29, 202196 views
At the turn of the 22nd century a war that lasted for almost 20 years is fresh in people's memories. World War 3 shall be remembered as the last great war on the planet, as a world peace treaty is being signed by all nations that remain. Jara Bint Rih was a soldier in this war. Now she is confined to a wheelchair. Living alone in the poor district of New York she spends her days in her friend Lucia's garage, searching for remnants from the past. But her world is about to change forever.
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At the turn of the 22nd century a war that lasted for almost 20 years is fresh in people's memories. World War 3 shall be remembered as the last great war on the planet, as a world peace treaty is being signed by all nations that remain. Jara Bint Rih was a soldier in this war. Now she is confined to a wheelchair. Living alone in the poor district of New York she spends her days in her friend Lucia's garage, searching for remnants from the past. But her world is about to change forever.
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