6 episodes
Episode 1
Recurring Nightmare
Aug 29, 2023188 views
Episode 2
Lucid Dreaming
Aug 29, 202392 views
Episode 3
The Summit
Aug 30, 202395 views
Episode 4
One Bite At A Time
Aug 31, 202385 views
Episode 5
Pale Wings Journey
Aug 31, 202396 views
Episode 6
The Other Side
Oct 17, 202372 views
Zeke has always had blurry, vague dreams of another life. An impossible figure in impossible places witnessing impossible acts. Every morning Zeke wakes up with a strong recollection of his dream but a mundane job to return to. One night, Zeke's dream is more vivid than it has ever been before. Rather than being a spectator, Zeke is in control for once. It is this night that Zeke discovers he is somehow connected to something ancient and powerful, a connection that cannot be severed.
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Zeke has always had blurry, vague dreams of another life. An impossible figure in impossible places witnessing impossible acts. Every morning Zeke wakes up with a strong recollection of his dream but a mundane job to return to. One night, Zeke's dream is more vivid than it has ever been before. Rather than being a spectator, Zeke is in control for once. It is this night that Zeke discovers he is somehow connected to something ancient and powerful, a connection that cannot be severed.
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