Silent Infinity is a long running story that takes place over centuries with a varied cast of characters struggling to figure out their places in the world. The story is set in the realm of Ayenee, a fictional land created decades ago by a lot of creative kids hanging out in Yahoo! chat rooms having a good time. This version of Ayenee is one full of magic, lore, sword play, and bad decisions. It is also adult-oriented and may contain disturbing, upsetting, or triggering themes to some.
The title artwork and thumbnails were commissioned from @one_sleepy_doormouse who you can find on Instagram. She does fantastic work, is a pleasure to create with, and you should go show her some love by throwing money at her. I am always looking for new artists to create visuals for this story, so don't hesitate to get a hold of me if you have a portfolio and find the story interesting enough to contribute. I have found that artists who love the world they are contributing too do the best work <3
As for me, these stories have been my babies for along time. I used to put them up on FictionPress until I started to get terrified that no one would publish them if they were online and so I took them all down. I've finally stopped caring so much about being traditionally published, and just want to share the stories I love with others. So, please, read and comment. Praise and constructive criticism are all welcome!
First episode goes live at noon PST, and an additional episode will post at 3PM PST and 6PM PST today, to complete a three parter. Enjoy!
- Rein
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