26 episodes
Episode 1
SD Cover
Jun 04, 20182.5k views
Episode 2
C01// P01 - P20
Jun 17, 20182k views
Episode 3
C01// P21
Jun 20, 20181.2k views
Episode 4
C01// P22
Jun 27, 20181k views
Episode 5
C01// P23
Jul 04, 20181k views
Episode 6
C01// P24
Jul 11, 20181k views
Episode 7
C01// P25
Jul 18, 20181k views
Episode 8
C01// P26
Jul 23, 2018966 views
Episode 9
C01// P27
Jul 26, 2018957 views
Episode 10
C01// P28
Jul 30, 2018969 views
Episode 11
C01// P29
Aug 02, 2018964 views
Episode 12
C01// P30
Aug 06, 2018985 views
Episode 13
C01// P31
Aug 09, 2018971 views
Episode 14
C01// P32
Aug 13, 2018965 views
Episode 15
C01// P33
Aug 16, 2018948 views
Episode 16
C01// P34
Aug 20, 2018966 views
Episode 17
C01// Extra
Aug 23, 2018945 views
Episode 18
C02// P01
Oct 01, 2018835 views
Episode 19
C02// P02
Oct 08, 2018826 views
Episode 20
C02// P03
Oct 15, 2018756 views
Like daemons? Like occasionally animated pages? Like terrible pop culture references and dead memes? Then you've come to the right place.
Sketch Dump follows the story of two teens and five young adults as they get themselves trapped in some weird colour vomit version of Hell with seemingly no way out to compensate. Split between four locations, watch these idiots attempt to shitpost their way out of the dirt and into a position to return home, all while trying to reunite with each other at the same time.
To sum it up it's gay, it's straight, it's everything in between and it couldn't take itself seriously if it tried. Welcome to Sketch Dump - and enjoy your stay.
WEBSITE: sketchdump.org/
PATREON: www.patreon.com/sketchdump
DISCORD: discord.gg/3XN6Fb6
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Hey everyone,
Welcome to my ink page!
First and foremost let me say a huge thankful for reading my stories and being patient with me, it means the world! As for why you should support me (though you don’t have to!), things such as tips really help motivate me to keep going in my stories when things get touch and remind me that wonderful people like you are out there enjoying what I do - something that means the world to me.
Thanks again for stopping by, and thanks again for the tip! <3
- AleksRead more
Like daemons? Like occasionally animated pages? Like terrible pop culture references and dead memes? Then you've come to the right place.
Sketch Dump follows the story of two teens and five young adults as they get themselves trapped in some weird colour vomit version of Hell with seemingly no way out to compensate. Split between four locations, watch these idiots attempt to shitpost their way out of the dirt and into a position to return home, all while trying to reunite with each other at the same time.
To sum it up it's gay, it's straight, it's everything in between and it couldn't take itself seriously if it tried. Welcome to Sketch Dump - and enjoy your stay.
WEBSITE: sketchdump.org/
PATREON: www.patreon.com/sketchdump
DISCORD: discord.gg/3XN6Fb6
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