3 episodes
Episode 1
0| Why this comic
Apr 20, 2016336 views
Episode 2
1| Dress shirt
Apr 27, 2016201 views
Episode 3
2| Character Design
May 15, 2016486 views
I'm kinda lazy and this is the place where I upload comics I didn't put much effort in. Maybe you'll like it, who knows.
I'll tell you a lie and say that it updates every wednesday.
I like polar bears, corgis and martial arts.
No one reads this description anyway.
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I'm kinda lazy and this is the place where I upload comics I didn't put much effort in. Maybe you'll like it, who knows.
I'll tell you a lie and say that it updates every wednesday.
I like polar bears, corgis and martial arts.
No one reads this description anyway.
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