The characters are so well designed and the story is interesting and amazing! I like how you give the characters that are in the group cloaks (I think that's what it is) whichs makes the audienfe know that these people are a group but they are still different from each other.
“Skyphoria” /sky-foe-re-ah/ noun. - The euphoric feeling you get when your head is in the clouds.
“Skyphoria” is an independent web series created by CaptainJellyroll (aka; Tea.) The story follows a group of personified weather patterns & seasons that are in an elite club called “The Sky Syndicate”. The club was created by Mother Nature to help combat the damaging effects of the Earth’s Climate Change. However, the newest recruit, Rainbow, is not-so-welcomed by the club. Rainbow has to navigate their way through this new job to prove their worth to their coworkers. Though, the other member’s unpredictable personalities might be quite difficult to get along with.
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