I look up at the tall shiny building
“Take a deep breath, you got this girl, just keep your cool and don't yell.”
I mutter to myself. And then I walk into the building belonging to the most important businessman in Paris. The receptionist looks up at me as I walk up to the desk.
“I'm here for my appointment. I tell her.”
“Alright just head up to the top floor. I'll let Mr. Neige know you're coming up. “
“Which room should I go to?”
“Just go to the top floor and it'll be simple.” As she makes it clear she won't tell me anything else I head to the elevator.
“Well that was a cryptic answer.” I reach the top floor and step out into a hall heading to a fancy set of doors.
“Well that is obvious,” I think to myself. I can hear yelling from the other side of the door. I'm about to knock when the door slams open sending me to the ground. The guy seemed super angry and didn't even notice his knocking me over. He was halfway down the hall when another man walked out of the room. The new guy stares after the man and yells
“Your plan won't happen, Zach I promise you that!” Then he notices me on the ground. He reaches out to help me up but I don't take his hand and stand up on my own which I kind of hard given the fact that I'm wearing a dress, but I mange.
“You must be Ms. Wolff. It is nice to meet you. I am sorry about my colleague he has a temper and he does not take the word ‘No,’ well.” He leads me into the room which turns out to be an office. A super huge office.
“Take a seat please and we will talk business.” I sit down.
“So your email stated that you want me to stop a manger from my company from harassing one of your teammates. Alright I will have him investigated as soon as possible. Anyone employed to my company should not behave in such a manner.”
“Wait a minute. You believe me?”
“Why wouldn't I?”
“Because you are the head of a huge corporation and I'm a field hockey player on a national team. And typically your type of people don't listen to us normal people.”
“You sound like you are complaining about my helping you.”
“NO, I just don't understand why you are believing me.”
“Why would you lie about something you couldn't win.”
“Ha I suppose that makes sense. Well I will leave you the man's name and the address of the building he works at and he will stop bothering my teammate?
“Yes though I don't need the address.”
“Oh right I forgot you are a like a millionaire or something you could find out anything you wanted.”
“Well I wouldn't quite say that but something close. He looks at me with a grin. “
“Thank you for listening to me. Bye.”
“Good luck in the championships Ms. Wolff.” He says as I walk out. He didn't seem anything like the stories I've heard about being a cold hearted man who rules with an iron fist. I think to myself. Oh well he's getting rid of that s.o.b. Blackwell so I shouldn't complain. And I leave the building expecting to never see that man again though that does not stop me from thinking about him the whole way home.
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