First episode of the comic version of Space Opera Elemental! There is a novel version that is further ahead in the story.
This is the sci-fi AU of Grand Epic Elemental, so you will see the same characters, but their personalities might be slightly different.
I am planning to have the whole comic be in full color, however this means that updates will be less frequent. I will try to update at least once a month.
Leiyu, part-time bounty hunter, scrap collector, and freelancer worker, hears through the grapevine that the Imperiat, an intergalactic empire, has placed a bounty on Princess Amara of the planet Tokamanen, although he does not wish to pursue it because of his own negative experiences with the empire's forces.
While he is on another assignment, he is rescued by an interplanetary traveler who goes by the name Thallios. They travel together to complete more assignments, but Leiyu wonders why Thallios is so secretive about their past and also notices that the Imperiat's soldiers seem to be following them.
Announcement: On hiatus while I work on a novel for the Action Fantasy Tourney contest.Read more
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