1 episode
Lysandre and Nate are inseparable. It could be because Nate is a dead man whose soul is hard-wired into Lysandre's brain, meaning only Lysandre can see and communicate with him. It could be because Lysandre is so desperately lonely that the Afterworld tied him indefinitely to the ghost to a man who died too soon- to serve as a constant companion.
It could be because in some ways Nate classes as Lysandre's eternal, unwilling, 'Imaginary friend'.
Or they could just be super close bros.
Either way, they're stuck with each other whether they like it or not.
You just never can tell these days.
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Lysandre and Nate are inseparable. It could be because Nate is a dead man whose soul is hard-wired into Lysandre's brain, meaning only Lysandre can see and communicate with him. It could be because Lysandre is so desperately lonely that the Afterworld tied him indefinitely to the ghost to a man who died too soon- to serve as a constant companion.
It could be because in some ways Nate classes as Lysandre's eternal, unwilling, 'Imaginary friend'.
Or they could just be super close bros.
Either way, they're stuck with each other whether they like it or not.
You just never can tell these days.
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