I can feel your cold hands in mine,But where is your heartbeat?Where is the sparkle in your eyes?Why did it leave, where did it go?Is it his now, is it no longer yours?All I can do is hold your frozen hands,Feeling the warmth leave my bodyWhere did it go? Does it belong to you now?I wouldn't mind, at least it is no one else's.At least I still get to hold your hand.Where is my heartbeat?It already belongs to youIt always has. It always will.It never left me, but it's yours now.Take care of it, please.You can crush it, you can tear it apart,But it will always be yours.I can feel your breath, every one belonging to himI can feel the distance between us grow closer,yet always far out of reachI can feel your blood, running cold from my hands...It smells of him, frosty, yet full of love.You belong to him now, but all I see is youI see your face, each flaw making you all themore beautiful.Each strand of hair soft and imperfectYour smile even brighter than the lightsthat shine down on us.Where did I go? I've fallen deep into your eyesEyes that don't belong to me, to anyone but himYou could've been mine, but you pushed meaway.For the one who could give you more.But I still belong to you.-Dream/Arlo & Pyro
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