Hair: Wavy, Shiny, Blond with silver streaks (naturally colored)
Eyes: bright icy blue
Height: (most men in his family have incredibly unnatural height, but he's kinda short) 6'3
Sexuality: Gay af (he's in the closet for a really long time tho)
Background: poor, dirt poor. Both parents present, one little brother and 2 little sisters( he doesn't know he has sisters for a while)
Vincent Ericsson
DoB: Jan 19th, 1829
Hair: Black and curly
Height: 6'7 (tall boi)
Sexuality: Gay
Background: ex-slave, James had it better than him. Father was ran out of town, mother didn't even acknowledge him unless it was to punish him for something she considered "stupid"
Hi this is author, this novel is discontinued due to the phone I started it on being broken. And that idk what my password was so I’m sorry but there will be no more over here. I will try to rewrite this story later.
James never forgot his best friend, even after his own horrible death. Heaven wasn’t what it seemed, nothing like the Bible stories he’d been told. He missed the only person he’d ever loved, his best friend.
Vincent couldn’t stop feeling so angry, he was a slave beachside of something he couldn’t control, he was killed by his master for feelings he couldn’t control, and worst of all, he was a demon who fell into the sin of lust, but, not lust? Yearning was what it was. He missed the love of his life, his best friend.
Both born in the past, James and Vincent realize that too much time has passed, horse ridden carriages, slaves and other things from their prime in 1863 are long gone, can they get through ambushes from the heavens and sneers from below? Or are their greatest enemies on the Mid-Realm along side them?Read more
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