peridot and jasper were arguing "ARE MAN OBJECTIVE IS TO CHECK PROGRESS ON THE CLUSTER" jasper "ROSE QUART'S COMES FIRST" "shut up your giving me a headache" they look to see a human wearing all black a mask with white hair and yellow eye's peridot "s-shadow" jasper "who is this pathetic excuse for a solider?" i narrow my eye's "your leading commander" jasper laughed "like i take order's from-" she got lifted off the ground i was holding her in the air by the neck "watch your tone your just a jasper your expendable so remember your place" i drop her she coughed and walk onto the ship jasper "who is that" peridot "his name is shadow the commander of white diamond's army he's concerned many planet's and killed a lot of creatures and shattered many gem's" jasper gulped and rubbed her neck peridot drove the ship i was asleep i looked like i hadn't slept in month's jasper was confused what i was doing i herd the ship take a hit i wake up and stand up "were here" i smirk "finally" i take my coat off showing a skin tight shirt i open a bag and holster twin blades onto my back and put a cross bow on my wrist and some other weapon's on the ship landed and the four of us walked out of the ship i look at the gem's jasper "this is all that's left there-" i cut her off "the strongest member's" i drew a sword "i'll make you a deal send your strongest out to fight me and we will leave" garnet walked up she thru a punch in a flash she had my sword thru her chest as it destabilized her she fell back and poofed in a flash the other's poofed "night night hybrid" i hit steven with the hilt of my sword knocking him out we put him in the ship "head back to home world now" peridot "but" i look at her she squeaked and went to the ship navigation i went to the communication's room and called white "my diamond" i salute "we have captured remaining rebels and are heading back now" white pearl was at the hub "good good" my eye twitched "make sure not to fail after all white diamond's commander" i sigh "must be perfect and never fail at any mission i know she's told me about every time we talk same with you" i sigh white pearl "yes well we will wait for your full report on the matter" the call ended i lean on a wall and sigh "maybe i can talk with the lapis" i stand and walk to her cell
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