2 episodes
Please read our first comic before reading this one! tapastic.com/series/Sun-Rising
This is where the era of extras begin. We'll post teasers there, and then we'll post an extra after a three months. But you'll be able to read it on patreon right when the teaser comes out!
In these extras you'll be able to find all kinds of stories of all kinds of time periods of our story, from different places and point of views.
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Please read our first comic before reading this one! tapastic.com/series/Sun-Rising
This is where the era of extras begin. We'll post teasers there, and then we'll post an extra after a three months. But you'll be able to read it on patreon right when the teaser comes out!
In these extras you'll be able to find all kinds of stories of all kinds of time periods of our story, from different places and point of views.
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More by the creator
Valya's dream
Comic Drama 49 likes
Fans also read
Here it Comes
Comic Drama 341.6k likes
Fans also read
A Mirror's Tale
Comic Drama 451.7k likes
Fans also read
Satan and Me
Comic Drama 2m likes
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Comic Drama 62.1k likes
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Dead City
Comic LGBTQ+ 415.7k likes
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