The first day at a new school is never fun. I just moved from my homey San Francisco, California to gross and humid Orlando, Florida.
Dad got a new job, again, cause he gets fired a lot; this job required us to move.
It’s just been the two of us since I was five. Mom left a while ago, it really broke dad for a while but he got back up.
From job to job and state to state, we’re in what he said is to be our new home. I’ll give this place the benefit of the doubt and say it will last a few months.
My new school, Everest High, is supposedly one of the best public schools here. Dad and I drove past it on our way, it actually looked nice compared to run-down hell zone schools that I’m used to in Cali.
First day is today. I'm not trying to impress anyone so I put on my normal everyday clothes: Black ripped jeans, short sleeve dark grey shirt, black vans, and I’m ready to go.
I grab my backpack and walk downstairs. I don’t need to rush right now cause school starts at 7:50 and it’s 6:00 a.m. .
Dad is already at work so I have the house all to myself. I make some breakfast, watch some tv, look at the time: 7:00.
I walk out the door to be unhappily greeted by the hot humid air. I’m gonna have to deal with it for a while though so I gotta get used to it.
I start walking and think about the directions to school in my head. Walk out of the house and go left, at the end of the sidewalk another left, at the end of that sidewalk cross the street to the right, walk down that sidewalk and there is the front of the school.
I follow my mental direction while looking around me at all the other houses. Everything is more vivacious here than in San Fran. Brighter colors and the sky isn’t grey like I’m used to.
While looking up I accidentally bump into someone. They fall on the ground and I drag my eyes down in embarrassment to see them.
It’s a girl, her long black hair braided on each side and the top of her hair braided into a flower crown. She wears a rainbow pastel hoodie with a matching suspender skirt, cat stockings and black high-top converse.
Her long bangs cover her face so I can’t see her expression but I feel the heat of her anger.
She stands up and dusts herself off then looks at me. Anger, pure rage. I’m so screwed right now.
In a flash her hand is across my cheek and it starts to burn. She slapped me!
My face is completely stunned, her face is red with rage. She turns around and stomps of towards school, dammit we’re in school together.
After a minute I continue on my way to school rubbing my tingling cheek. That girl was hardcore, I should have probably said sorry and helped her up instead of staring.
When I reach the front there are a lot of people walking in or getting out of their cars.
Many glance at me as I walk in and everyone starts whispering. Many people whispering is loud so all I hear is “Is that the new guy?” or “Omg look at him, he’s so hot” . I guess the whispering is okay sometimes.
My locker number: 64, it’s close to my first period which is Chemistry and my last period which is Statistics.
Suddenly a group of guys walk up to me, non-threatening, just friendly. One of them get closer, messy dirty blond hair, ripped jeans and red shirt.
He greets me all buddy-buddy like, “Hey, I’m Seth but my friends call me Chaos cause I’m pretty destructive.” He says that like he’s proud which is kinda weird.
He points to a taller guy behind him with slicked back dyed green hair, black skinny jean, purple shirt and a leather jacket, “That’s Indigo also known as Joker cause, well you can see why.”
Next he points to short boy with brown hair and very casual/neutral clothes, “That’s Rael or Virgo, him and Aubrey or Shy guy aren’t the best with the ladies.” Aubrey was as short as Rael but was more shy looking. His black hair slightly covered his eyes and he only wore a baggy hoodie and shorts.
Two guys were on their phones probably playing a game together, “The extra thin guy over there is James or Slim Jim and the guy he’s playing with is Emmett or Internet Explorer.”
He looks around confused then asks the others, “Where’s Harley?” The guy nicknamed Internet Explorer answers, “He ran off earlier to his girl cause something apparently happened on her way here.”
Seth smirks then turns back to me, “Well you’ll just have to meet Inky later.” These nicknames are so stupid but funny and these guys are actually pretty cool.
I smiled and finally responded, “I’m Blake, nice to meet you guys.” They smiled and Seth puts his arm around my shoulder, “So, what’s your first class?”
“Chemistry with Ms. Jones, you?” He smiles bigger than he already was, “Same, looks like we have class together.” He slaps me on the back a bit to hard. Awesome just adding more pain to my body.
The bell rings and everyone starts walking to class while Seth and I walk to Chemistry together.
The classroom is a lab with eight desks that have three chairs at each table. I decide to sit in the back left corner desk and Seth follows along.
The class goes by fast, in fact most of them do. Lunch comes and the same group of guys come back. “Wanna eat lunch with us?” Asks the guy nicknamed Slim Jim.
I go with them to eat lunch at their table. This time there’s a new guy there, he had one of those medium length buzz fade mohawk. His hair was black, most of what he wore was black. Black skinny jeans, black muscle shirt, black leather jacket around his waist. His arms covered in drawings that weren’t tattoos just pen.
Slim Jim slapped him on the back which he didn’t seem to care, “Look who's finally back! Did you have fun with your girl Harley?” Slim Jim smirked at him and the guy apparently named Harley responded, “I’m not dating her, she’s just a friend.”
Internet Explorer sat down next to Harley and laughed, “Just a friend? You can’t be just a friend with one of the hottest and richest girls in school.” Chaos was next to tease Harley, “C’mon dude, give us a little something.”
Harley’s jaw tightened and a vein in his head pulsed, “Nothing happened, her hands were just scraped up cause some guy pushed her so I went to help.” His phone starts buzzing, he grabs it out of his pocket and looks at it for a while then gets up to leave. “Gotta go…” he says without any explanation before leaving.
Chaos looks at me, “That’s our other friend Harley or Inky as we call him cause he’s always drawing on himself, I swear one day that he’s gonna get ink poisoned or something.” He sighs before continuing, “Okay so since you’re the new guy, girls with be on you like hoes on Santa, especially because of your looks…”
In my head I’m just like, um okay? He continues, “Anyways, there are four people in this school that are the hottest. Mazikeen Grey, Clementine De Luca, Scarlett Hart, and Oli Lafayette. Mazikeen is the most badass, Clementine is wicked cool but off limits cause she’s Harley’s, Scarlet is popular but a bit self-centered and thinks no one deserves her and Oli is the cutest in the whole school, even straight guys would go for him.”
I look at him startled, “Wait, what?” He laugh and responds, “Sorry, I didn’t know if you swing that way or not, no shame if you do though. Oliver or Oli as most call him is the cutest person in this school, he’s a baker and mostly spends his time in the Home Ec room just baking.”
I look at him still a bit startled, “Um, okay?” Internet Explorer starts talking but doesn’t open his eyes since he’s the lazier type, “Yeah, you should go meet him, see for yourself his level of cuteness. Trust us, you’re probably gonna feel real gay when you meet him.”
I look at them confused and decide to go see for myself who this Oliver is. He can’t be that cute that he can turn straight guys gay. I mean I’m not straight …I think, I’m probably bi-curious but I’ve never dated a guy.
Finally I get to the Home Ec room, the door is partly cracked so the there is a sweet scent of citrus wafting out. I peek in and see a short boy with golden honey-like hair and wearing a little frilly pink apron.
There are little pink bows in his hair matching his apron. His figure is delicate and very feminine, the guys were right, I feel extremely gay right now.
The door creaked slightly and his head whipped around to see me. His eyes are two different colors, amber green and purple.
We stared at each other for a while then he spoke, “If you want to come in then you can, you can try my pie.” He said sweetly with a cute French accent.
I walk in and he pulls me over to a little table then walks away to cut a slice of pie from the counter. He puts it on a plate and give it to me then watches with a smile.
I grab the fork and slice off a piece from the edge and put it in my mouth. It’s sweet, creamy, a bit crunchy and has a beautiful citrus lemon taste. It’s the best thing I’ve ever tasted in my life. I look at him with delight and his face beams happily. “You like it! You like it!”
I get up and he hugs me tightly so I hug him back. He seems surprised at first but gets used to it.
When he backs away his face a sweet scarlet color which is the same color my face turned when I saw him blush.
I decide to finally talk to him, “Hey, I’m Blake. I’m new here.” He looks up at me, his blush growing darker, “I-I’m Oliver, nice to meet you.”
We stare at each other for a while blushing until the door creaks again. “Oli, I got the stuff for…”. Oh no, it’s the same girl from this morning, she cut her words off and glared at me then started talking again, “Oli, what are you doing with him.”
Her words are filled with venom as she glares daggers into my eyes. Oliver looks at me then at his friend, “You two know each other?”
Clementine kept glaring at me as she spoke, “This is the guy that pushed me this morning.” Oliver gasped, “Is that true Blake?”
I sighed, “Look, I’m really sorry about what happened this morning. I’m just a bit awkward since I’m new here and I just froze up when I noticed I pushed you. It was completely and accident, I’m sorry.”
Her glaring stopped and turned into a big smile, talk about mood swing. “It’s fine, I’m a tough girl.” She skipped over to Oliver and hugged him. “So what’s going on between you and my Oli?”
She smirked and Oliver and I both blushed. I looked away and rubbed the back on my neck, “N-nothing, I just heard about him and I wanted to meet him…”.
She pushed Oliver into my chest making both of us blush more and she spun off. “Oh honey, I’ve read more than enough romance books to know about that look you gave each other.”
I kept denying it but she kept going and teasing me. I only stopped when I felt something soft on my cheek. I glance over and there’s Oliver on his tiptoes kissing me cheek.
He stops and we both stare at each other until the girl starts squealing extremely loud. Oliver and I looked away from each other and my eyes focused on the girl. “What the hell? Who are you anyways?”.
She stopped squealing for a second to answer, “Oh, I’m Clementine, Oli’s bestie.” Then she went right back to squealing.
This is one of the hottest and richest girls that Harley seems to like? I look at Oliver’s cute blushing face as he tries to hide it. I bend down in front of him and he looks at me surprised, then without thinking I kiss him. He’s startled at first then goes with it and wraps his arms around my neck.
Clementine squeals louder and after a few seconds I let Oliver go and tell him bye.
When I get outside the room I lean against a locker and think about what I just did. I kissed him, a guy I just met and I kissed him.
It wasn’t bad though, his lips were soft and tasted slightly sweet. I smiled and went on with the rest of my day think about Oliver.
When I got home, dad was on the couch. He glanced up at me, “How was your day son?”
In my head all I thought about was Oliver so the first word that came out of my mouth was, “Sweet.”
I retired to my room for the rest of my day and drifted off to sleep dreaming about that kiss.
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