0 episodes
In the heart of Tokyo is located the homonymous TOKYO, one of the largest and most successful publishing companies in Japan, where a young group of employees face various problems concerning life and personal struggles. The story starts with Naomi, an editor who has never had any luck in love, desperate and revolted by her last romantic involvement, she swears she won't ever trust a man again - little she knows an old acquaintance from her past returned to haunt her . . .
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In the heart of Tokyo is located the homonymous TOKYO, one of the largest and most successful publishing companies in Japan, where a young group of employees face various problems concerning life and personal struggles. The story starts with Naomi, an editor who has never had any luck in love, desperate and revolted by her last romantic involvement, she swears she won't ever trust a man again - little she knows an old acquaintance from her past returned to haunt her . . .
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