Feb 18, 2021
God Anu and goddess Inanna came to create new world! Why they need to do it? Why the gods want to see a life around themselves?
Top comment
I like the battle poses. Very nice use of perspective.
Sometimes people say 'nice' when they're just trying to encourage the artist, but I genuinely like them and feel that I've improved my visual library of poses by looking at them.
However my personal opinion is that you could trim down the number of the preceding panels - what i mean is, I think you could convey the same information and emotion with less panels. in my opinion the pace of the section before the battle needs speeding up a bit.
Personally, I think you could experiment with putting the battle scene first and then introduce the goddess.
The battle really draws me in and gets my heart rate going, whereas i'm much more likely to get board with the introduction of the goddess and click off before getting to the battle or reading the dialog.
I'm quite a visual person so I get drawn into a comic by being emotionally engaged by a scene - then only after that do I read the dialog - so the battle immediately draws me in, but with the goddess it's only after i read the dialog that I'm drawn in.
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