8 episodes
Episode 1
Return of the Witch
Dec 05, 2020195 views
Episode 2
Welcome to Muxue
Dec 05, 202068 views
Episode 3
The Crimson Fairy
Dec 05, 202054 views
Episode 4
Her Rage
Dec 05, 202056 views
Episode 5
The Intruder
Dec 05, 202046 views
Episode 6
I don't need a husband
Dec 05, 202037 views
Episode 7
Who is Hanshan?
Dec 05, 202042 views
Episode 8
Helping Xu Hanshan on a condition
Dec 05, 202049 views
"I'm a witch, you should fear me," she said, and he took her into his arms without further thought.
"Try me," he said. "I was born during a period of mourning and said to have the horoscope of the Doom Star. I am everyone's bane, but your liberator."
She stared into his eyes and wondered how true were the words of this strange traveller.
He had entered her sacred lands, chanced upon her secret and even challenged her with his words!
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"I'm a witch, you should fear me," she said, and he took her into his arms without further thought.
"Try me," he said. "I was born during a period of mourning and said to have the horoscope of the Doom Star. I am everyone's bane, but your liberator."
She stared into his eyes and wondered how true were the words of this strange traveller.
He had entered her sacred lands, chanced upon her secret and even challenged her with his words!
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