Our story begins in Minas Gerais, Brasil...
Hundreds tortured, mutilated and murdered in unspeakable crimes by one depraved and deviant woman. A woman with dissociative personality disorder, and an almost unparalleled intelligence that allowed her to avoid capture by the authorities for years and years on end, while working under the guise of an innocent schoolteacher. Like a sadistic game of hide and seek that seemed to have no end.
Jaqueline Rabenz. A woman so evil that even she considers herself equal to, or superior to the devil himself.
Her crimes were so varied that investigators believed her to be multiple people conspiring together to satisfy their perverse desires; And so she came to be known as the "Persona Killer."
Her crimes unbelievable, her skills terrifyingly precise, her immortal hunger and thirst fueling her, moving her hands to bring cold annihilation upon the innocent...
But this story isn't about her. This is a story about the person who brought forth the capture and incarceration of the Persona killer, creating an end to her monstrous affairs. Tales of Sensation is the story of Jolyne Rabenz. Jaqueline's daughter.
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