(Debiddo Mobbure narrates the beginning of the story in Bold.)
The year is 20XX, at a relatively large high school where a local bully is terrorizing a young nerd. The story then pans to the bully, his friend, and a young nerd, who is getting his books knocked out of his hand and his pants drenched with water. "Awwwww", The bully said in a pitying and insolent tone. "Looks like you had a little accident in your pants." He says that while his friends gathered around him and started laughing. "Fuck you!" Said the nerd wiping tears from his eyes." This bold statement made everyone start murmuring amongst themselves, as the bully, now enraged with the nerd, and with all his strength, prepares to punch him this makes the nerd ball up in fetal position as he cowers in fear. A person is then seen walking down the hallway as he overhears the ruckus. Everyone in the hallway starts scattering as the man approaches the bully, "Hey! Do you have my money yet?" Said the man as the bully starts sweating in fear. "I was going to give it to you sir, I had to get it from this nerd first." My name is Debiddo Mobbure, and I was the leader of a gang called the Purple Dragons, and our headquarters are stationed in this school. "So how long do you expect me to wait, you really think I am a joke? Did you forget what I did to your leader?" Debiddo replies as he stares down the bully with a murderous look on his face, as the remaining members of Debiddo's gang surround behind him. The bully then wets his pants and runs away in fear with his friends. "Hmph, weak bastards," Debiddo replies as he walks up to help the nerd up. "Hey you, get up." Debiddo then grabs the nerd's shirt from the back to help him up however, out of fear the nerd turns and screams. "I'm tired of the bullying! Leave me alone!" the nerd then punches Debiddo in the face not knowing who it was he punched. Everyone was silent as the nerd opens his eyes to see that he has punched Debiddo instead of the bully. "I-I-I am sorry Debiddo...I-didn't....know." The nerd said in fear. "This enrages Debiddo, who proceeds to beat up the nerd and shoves him in the locker. "Come on everyone, let's get out of here, and grab some food, beating up this bastard has left me starving," Debiddo says to his group of his friends as they leave the nerd inside the Locker.
I controlled everything that went on in my town called Ikkiru Machi. The teachers and principal allow me to have my gang headquarters located on the basement floor of the school for the simple fact we keep the gang violence down in town, and we even get backing for police officers since we help reduce crime in town as well. Debiddo and the rest of his friends travel to the nearest pizza restaurant to get food for the rest of his gang. One of the gang members who is holding a large stack of pizza boxes, bumps into Debiddo and almost causes all the pizza he was carrying to fall, however, another gang member behind him catches the boxes before they fall. "Hey, Ishiki, Watch where you are going, you almost dropped all this pizza on the boss." The voice says as the gang member bows apologetically at Debiddo. His name was Henry Hidera, he was more like my right-hand man more than anything. We knew each other before the creation of our gang, and if anything, he was the one who helped me form our gang into such a powerful influence in town. "So Debiddo, what are we going to do about that thug? He still hasn't paid the rest of the money he owed." Henry says as everyone approaches the school entrance. "Tell him he has a week to pay us the rest of the money, and if he doesn't then, well....let him know that he better pay within that time. "You are being awfully generous aren't you Boss?" Henry replies. "Of course Henry, this is after all a special occasion," Debiddo says in a smile. Debiddo and the rest of the gang then travel to their headquarters to eat with the rest of the gang. When Debiddo opens the door, he is met with the remainder of his subordinates bowing down to him. "Welcome back boss!" The gang members say altogether.
Technically, I am a student here, However, classes were so boring that I just stopped going altogether, I just get my classwork and homework from one of my subordinates. So now I spend the majority of my time here, with them. "Everyone! Today marks exactly 2 years since we became the most dominant gang in all of Ikiru Machi. We have successfully pacified and disbanded 8 gangs that tried to poison this town with their agenda. Now the only gang that is left is the black tigers. They are trying to expand and push their drugs in the neighborhoods surrounding our school to have us surrounded, but what they failed to realize is that we have actually got them surrounded instead." Debiddo says as he looks at one of his subordinates. "Mikey, report," Mikey stands up and salutes. "Boss, we have found their hideout and we already have 10 of our guys down in that area on standby," Mikey says. "Great, " Debiddo replies. "Tomorrow, we will finally shut these assholes down, so today, let's enjoy ourselves!" "Yeah!" Everyone says as they start to feast. An hour into celebrating, Debiddo approaches Henry who is playing a game with some other gang members. "Ah dammit! I lost again!" Henry says as he struggles with the game. "Hahaha, see? I told you this strategy game is hard to play." One of the gang members says as he eats more of the pizza. "Shut it idiot, I'm just having a bad day," Henry says as he drinks some more soda. "Hey, let me see the game," Debiddo says to Henry. "Of course Debiddo, here you go," Henry says as he hands Debiddo the controller. Debiddo then spent 10 minutes struggling with the first few levels of the game, until eventually, he starts clearing the levels with ease. "Incredible Boss, this was the highest difficulty, and you are beating it!" One of the gang members said as the rest of the gang starts gathering around Debiddo. Eventually, Debiddo finishes the game, which makes everyone cheer. "You did it, Boss, you are incredible!" Another Gang member says as Debiddo sighs. "The game wasn't that bad." Debiddo says, but I will say it was fun..." Debiddo replies as he stretches.
All of a sudden, one of the gang members enters the hideout looking for Debiddo. "Boss, the principal wants to see you." The gang member says as Debiddo looks in confusion. In the principal office, Debiddo sits back as the principal starts talking. "So Debiddo, I've noticed that you have completely stopped going to class." "Yeah, and? I still have straight As, so what issues are there with me not showing up for class. "Debiddo, everyone in this school and in this town is very appreciative of what you and your gang have done for us, but that doesn't mean you can just do what you want." The principal says to Debiddo. "Whatever...Maybe I would take your classes seriously if you didn't make the classes so boring." Debiddo replies picking in his ear. "Listen Debiddo, I worry about your future after high school, After that situation with Ms. Harrison, you spent more and more time with your gang, and less time in the actual classes, your attendance in classes is egregious. you are doing good deeds in the community, but surely you are not planning to do this the rest of your life? This "Whatever" type of attitude you have right now will never get you far in life. You need to really think about going to college and actually having a career instead of focusing on this dangerous life you live." "What if college isn't for me huh? College doesn't make me any less intelligent as those pencil-pushing bastards in those offices." Debiddo exclaims. "Look, Either you go back to classes, or else we shut down your gang hideout." The principal says as he takes a deep breath. "You cannot do that!" Debiddo exclaims. "I can, and I will. Now have a good rest of your day Debiddo." The principal says as Debiddo gets up and slams the door behind him." "Ah, Debiddo I hope you change your ways before it gets too late." The principal says to himself.
Debiddo returns back to his hideout, and when he walks in, the rest of the gang members gather around him asking him multiple questions. Henry then walks up to Debiddo. "So, what did he say," Henry asks. "He said I got to go back to classes, if not, then he shut down our headquarters." Everyone is shocked and outraged about what they hear. "Do you want us to teach him a lesson Boss?" Another member says angrily. "No...it's fine. I will do it." Debiddo replies. "But Boss," Another gang member replies. "What I say..." Debiddo replies back. "Instead of worrying about that, let's get ready to fight." "Fight who?" Henry asks. "I change my mind...we are going to attack tonight," Debiddo responds. "What made you change your mind?" Henry asks. "I really feel like letting off some steam," Debiddo responds. Later that night at the Black Tigers hideout, one of the lookout guards is dozing off to sleep. The other guards smack the sleeping guard on the head to wake him up. "Wake up fool, we are supposed to be making sure no one tries to break in." Guard A says. "Why are we even doing this? Haven't you heard? All the other gangs have been disbanded." Guard B says. "Yeah, but do you know why?" Guard A asks. Guard B shrugs his shoulders which makes Guard A sigh. "It's because they were taken out by the gang the purple dragons, and their leader they called Daten-shi(Fallen Angel). "Aren't they just some High schoolers? Are we really worried about some damn kids breaking in?" Guard B says laughing. All of a sudden, behind Guard B, a bat hits him directly on the head. "What the hell?" Guard A says shocked. Before he could pull his weapon out, he is taken out as well with the assailant choking him out. Both guards lay unconscious as their bodies get dragged into some bushes.
The lever connected to the lights in the building is then turned off, causing the lights in the building to go out. "What is going on? What happened to the lights?" One of the members says as he gets taken out. More people from the gang get taken out while gunfire illuminates the darkroom. The leader of the Black Tigers sits in his chair screaming at his radio "What is going on out there!? What is happening?" The leader yells, however his yells are left unheard as the radio goes quiet. "Morgan Jones, leader...I mean former leader of the Black Tigers." Debiddo says as he walks into his room. "W-Who's there?" Morgan says as he pulls out his gun. "Can't see me huh? That's a shame....that means you can't see this coming." Debiddo says as he punches Mordan in the face. Debiddo then gets a flashlight and shines it in Morgan's face. "Ah-ah-ah let me see." Debiddo then stands over Morgan while holding his chin. He then hits him again and placed a knife on his neck and smiles. "You really thought we weren't going to find you? Especially for what you did to Jay?" Debiddo says with haunting calmness. "P-Please! I will work under you, I will give you my whole organization! Please, just don't kill me!" Morgan says as he starts crying. Debiddo then pulls back the knife and starts chuckling. "Nah, I wasn't going to kill you, I was just wanted to see if I can make you piss your pants before they take you away," Debiddo says as he goes out the door and whistles. One of Debiddo's gang members then pulls the lever back up, which turns the building lights back on.
When the comes back on, all of Morgan's gang members have been tied up, and their mouths taped. "Go ahead and look outside. You are not escaping anyways." Debiddo says as Morgan slowly gets up and walks towards the door. When he looks and sees his members tied up, he starts to sweat. All of a sudden, the police arrive at the building and surround the area. They enter the building with guns pointed at all the members of the Black Tigers. "Game over," Debiddo says as the police officers approach to put Morgan in handcuffs. "Thank you and your gang for your constant support in getting rid of the crime plaguing our town." The chief of police says as he reaches out to shake Debiddo's hand. Debiddo then scoffs and walks away. "Just make sure you keep funding our gang, and we will keep this up," Debiddo says as he and the rest of his gang members leave the building. "That kid...I am so glad he is on our side." The police chief says sweating. "Ok, great work guys go get some rest and get ready for the morning," Debiddo says as everyone salutes and leaves. Henry stays behind and pats Debiddo on the back. "Man, Henry, I am so glad we are done with this," Debiddo says as he exhales. "Yeah, now you can finally rest now Debiddo," Henry replies. "I've noticed that you have been spacing out lately, I don't know what is going on, but I'm here for you if you need it." Henry then follows Debiddo as both of them walk towards Debiddo's house.
"I'm fine bro, it's just lately I have been having these weird dreams about my dad again." Debiddo. "Dad? oh yeah, ain't his name Dextros or something?" Henry asks. "I remember hearing from your mom about him leaving you guys when you were 5." "Yeah... every time I have this dream I always find myself in a black space, with his face barely in view, but for some reason, he always says the same thing every time I go there," Debiddo says as he thinks back at what his father says in his dreams. "This light in your soul will be the pillar that will illuminate everyone's darkness." "I don't know what that means, but every time he says this, I wake up with a splitting headache," Debiddo says as he rubs his head. "You know, I heard on the internet that giving birth to a baby is easier than worrying about it," Henry says as the both of them approach Debiddo's home. "What the hell does that mean?" Debiddo asks. "It means stressing out about something is usually worse than the thing you're stressing out about. And it certainly doesn't help." Henry replies. "In other words, Just relax, it's a dream, don't stress about its meaning. you don't need to get sick from worrying about someone you haven't seen in years." "You probably right," Debiddo says as he opens the door. The moment he opens the door, he is grabbed and is placed in a headlock. "Debiddo where were you? Do you realize what time it is?" A woman's voice screams out in a fit of rage. "Ah! Ma, I'm sorry, I had to do something with the gang tonight." Debiddo says tapping out. "Gang this, gang that! I told you that I completely accept you helping the police in protecting this town, but you remember the promises I asked of !" Debiddo's mom screamed. "Miss Riza, we are so sorry for being late!" Henry says as he bows. "Hmph, I'll spare you guys for now, so come on in, and eat dinner." "Yes Ma'am!" Debiddo and Henry say as they walk inside.
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