2 episodes
Come join the miscellaneous adventures of Tenaga & Nari, as they travel from one end of the world to the next and through various dimensions and even planets as this ongoing collection of GL stories chronicles the saga of a pair of Italian girls who are on the list of the world's most wanted felons. Thus expatiating from one end of civilization to the other in an attempt to escape with their lives.
and one particular individual who is stalking them....
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Come join the miscellaneous adventures of Tenaga & Nari, as they travel from one end of the world to the next and through various dimensions and even planets as this ongoing collection of GL stories chronicles the saga of a pair of Italian girls who are on the list of the world's most wanted felons. Thus expatiating from one end of civilization to the other in an attempt to escape with their lives.
and one particular individual who is stalking them....
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