5 episodes
Episode 1
Author's Note
May 29, 2017367 views
Episode 2
Mother Nature (VERY Rough Draft)
May 29, 2017165 views
Episode 3
Mother Nature: Pt. 2
Jun 11, 2017135 views
Episode 4
Mother Nature Pt. 3
Jul 06, 2017120 views
Episode 5
A/N (Skip if you want)
Jul 10, 2017142 views
Holden lives in a world where the roles have been flipped; the animals that have always lived in the dark, hated by humans, now rule. In a twisted hierarchy and a corrupted monarchy, it's hard for anyone to survive, never mind a "disgusting" hybrid human. When Holden discovers a dark secret about the royal family, he is faced with a decision: confront the king and almost surely die, or stay in the shadows, hated, for the rest of his worthless life.
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Holden lives in a world where the roles have been flipped; the animals that have always lived in the dark, hated by humans, now rule. In a twisted hierarchy and a corrupted monarchy, it's hard for anyone to survive, never mind a "disgusting" hybrid human. When Holden discovers a dark secret about the royal family, he is faced with a decision: confront the king and almost surely die, or stay in the shadows, hated, for the rest of his worthless life.
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