3 episodes
Episode 1
Dec 16, 202456 views
Episode 2
Chapter 1 (page 4-7)
Jan 04, 202517 views
Episode 3
Chapter 1 (page 8-12)
Jan 04, 202512 views
The Cerberus wars in distant galaxy far from earth join a young commander of the Colonial Front as they fight against a group of radical separatist hell bent on cutting of the people from earth. he will have to decided who is the true villain as he battles to survive and keep the people of the colonies safe from hostile elements and possible political corruption will he be able to keep the men and women under his command alive or will they be swallowed up by back room deals and dark plots to overthrow the ruling government.
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The Cerberus wars in distant galaxy far from earth join a young commander of the Colonial Front as they fight against a group of radical separatist hell bent on cutting of the people from earth. he will have to decided who is the true villain as he battles to survive and keep the people of the colonies safe from hostile elements and possible political corruption will he be able to keep the men and women under his command alive or will they be swallowed up by back room deals and dark plots to overthrow the ruling government.
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