Gelding, the golden city of the Elves. Known as the golden city due to the sunny days of the city's region in the dead south and the sun shining through the city located right on a cliff. Since the city is on a cliff there is only one entrance with one road making it very easy to defend or at least that's what Death overheard from a particularly drunk Orc in the Balgon town inn, the Rough Horseshoe, the last step on the long trip to Geldin.
"Wut ye lookin at luv?" The Orc asked when he noticed Death glancing at his table of Orcs in the inn. The Orc was shirtless, heavily scared from battle, missing an eye and was most certainly drunk.
Death didn't respond simply turned back to her drink at the bar.
The Orc fist came slamming down onto the counter next to Death, "I don't tink ye herd me did ye luv? I ask'd ye wut wore ye lookin at," The Orc asked, his face but a hair away from Death's.
"Oh I heard you 'luv,' I just don't care," Death replied.
The Orc started pacing behind Death, "Do ye kno whu I am?"
"I know what you are."
The Orc laughed, "An wut am I girrl?"
Death turned to face the Orc and placed a hand onto the hilt of her one hand scythe, "A drunk Orc."
The Orc drew his knife, enraged, "I am Gorrog an I'm gonna gut ye lik a pig," Gorrog charged towards Death... And right into her scythe. Gorrog fell onto his knees and his head fell from his shoulders.
Gorrog's two friends had been watching the fight and were not happy to see their friend dispatched so easily, so quickly by this girl who was half their size with a weird scythe. They drew their blades, Death gripped her scythe and the eyes of the Inn were very much upon them especially from a quite Catfolk sitting in the corner with two tachi blade.
The two Orcs were antsy, one was brown skinned with eyes darting from Death to others in the Inn. The other was green and glistening with sweat, eyes focused on Death.
The brown Orc charged Death and she charged in response, diving toward the Orcs feet and cleanly cutting one foot off entirely. The Orc fell on his face screaming the other lunged blade first toward Death. Death dodged to the side and tried to cut of the Orcs hand holding the blade but was stopped by the Orcs bracer. "Damn," Death hissed stepping back away from the Orc.
"Come on and finish the one on the ground at least!!" An onlooker screamed as if watching a game.
Death glanced to the Orc on the ground, who was terrified, and threw a rock from one of her pouches with geomancy straight through it head, instantly killing it.
The other Orc now the last of his friends dropped his blade and in one last attempt of what seemed to the onlookers to be suicide at this point dived towards Death. Death didn't have a chance to counter the charge before the Catfolk with two tachi cut the Orcs head off himself in one quick movement from his corner seat.
Death didn't know whether to be annoyed or thankful to the Catfolk who interrupted the fight just put a thumbs up to him and went to get her bag to leave.
The onlookers of the Inn went back to their drinks, ignoring the three Orc bodies like they were always there. "May I have a word with you Miss?" The Catfolk asked.
Death ignored the Catfolk and walked out the door.
The Catfolk followed, "There's a job in Geldings Guildhall that me and some companions could use your skills with," The Catfolk paused to examine Deaths face for a reaction but saw only a blank expression, "It involves going to an abandoned library due north a few miles off the city and retrieving some books, whatever else we find there is ours for the taking."
Death stopped in her tracks now interested in the Catfolks talk, "What's the name of this library?"
The Catfolk smiled, "The old Gelding Library of Knowledge, now inhabited by some monsters that we'll probably have to kill. So," The Catfolk reached out his hand, "Interested?"
Death shaked his outstretched hand and gripped it tight, "I get to keep whatever I want other than the books we retrieve?"
"Yes, that's the setup."
"Then you have yourself another companion Mr..."
"Kinshi, and you?"
Kinshi nodded, "Well that's a suitable name you have Death."
"I know," Death responsed, now seeing the bag Kinshi was carrying, "We going to Geldin now?"
"It'll be morning proper in about two hours, we start now we'll be at Gelding by then," Kinshi responded.
Death noded and began walking, "Then let's start now," Death said as Kinshi began to follow her toward the golden city of Elves, Gelding.
Stop me if you've heard this one before: An amnesiac woman wakes up with strange abilities she doesn't understand and seeks out to find knowledge about them and along this quest meets a group who may be able to help her. She will also find those wishing her and anyone who get between them dead.... So have you heard it before?
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