The war had finally been won after five hundred years when the Nox first emerged. They were creatures of darkness that consumed all. In the beginning they were harmless and lingered in the shadows unable to do much but feed on the bugs and small rodents who came their way. But soon humans, a race now extinct, came to them, they were weak, powerless and greedy for power. Knowing that they could not devour anything larger than a rat humans sought out the Nox, intelligent as they were, they were tricked by the nasty schemes of men who wished to fulfil their desires, being creatures of dark magic, they merged with people and in return granted the power of strength and magic at the cost of the person’s life essence. The Nox would consume the host slowly and once finished they would emerge from the husk of the host, as a moth sheds its cocoon, with a humanoid form that could walk under the sun. They had evolved and they could change their fate. No longer confined to the shadows chaos and destruction filled the land at the hands of the Nox, in their new form and their numbers grew radically, they wanted to consume and destroy everything for only when all was gone would darkness reign and those who basked in the light would know their suffering. The Draconis, descendants of the dragons, champions of the light, where all that stood between the Nox and the darkness they brought. The war against the Nox raged on for hundreds of years, led by the Draconis, varios clans of therianthropes had long been enveloped in the fray as a bitter attempt to stave of the darkness. The war where countless lives had been lost contnued, exhausted and waiting for death the allies will grew weak and defeat seemed all too real. When all seemed lost, and the darkness surrounded them a single star shone, a brighter light than even the sun, a beacon of hope, a guiding light. With a thunderous ROAR the great lunar dragon, the last of the great dragons descended from heavens as if following the star, the Dragon led the survivors to battle, guided by the light of the star, finally they triumphed and banished the Nox to the shadows once more, but the cost was of victory was great, there were no triumphant cheers nor sighs of relief only mourning could be heard and the lunar dragon and star who turned the tide of war had vanished…
On the battlefield of Larrita (over a hundred years after the great war) countless bodies lay, the blood of the fallen seeped into the earth making all the beauty of nature wither and die. A young man, no older than seventeen, stood amongst the corpses of his comrades and his enemies. He was drenched in blood and panting heavily. His green eyes surveyed his surroundings. The beast within longed to be unleashed as his bloodlust had not been sated. His black hair was matted with blood and his horns oozed from being damaged. The man bore a scar over his left eye as a reminder of the battle, lest he forget. The darkened bodies of the enemy began to crumble to dust for all that was left was the darkness. It is over... he thought as he fell to his knees and lay down amongst the dead in order to join them…
In the country of Saul, at the border of the dead zone, the wind whistled through the trees. The crescent moon hung low in the sky illuminating an old building, crumbling in the clearing of Forsworn forest. The wind picked up and began to howl, a hooded figure runs into the clearing through the dense trees carrying a bundle in her arms. She cautiously and swiftly approaches the large oak doors, looking around her as she does. She gently places the bundle before the doors. As she raises her head to look at the moon, her hood falls unveiling a beautiful woman. Her glistening silver hair was pulled tight into a bun, her horns protruded gracefully from her forehead. The bundle began to stir and she turned back and began to softly hum a lullaby, as she hummed the soothing tune the air around her began to glow in a warming pale blue light that sparkled like sapphires touching the bundle which soon fell silent once more. She placed a note with the bundle and bent her head allowing her lips to gently brush against the head of the bundle and whispered in a pained voice “May you live a happy life my child, I hope you will never discover the shame of your origin…”. She could hear growling noises coming closer, they must have found her. All she could do now was draw them away from her child and with that she stood up and banged the door loudly and hid amongst the trees watching as the door opened and a figure bring the child inside. The woman sighed with relief her child was safe, that is what mattered most. She turned and fled into the forest without looking back.
…In the night a womans screaming could be heard.
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