In the city of Metru Nui, a life before Teridax was forgotten. Matoran lived happily unaware of the treacheries their king, Teridax, had done the century prior. They did not care - or at least, they didn't object.
There were stories of what would happen to resistant Matoran. Torture, execution, anything one could imagine - all of it was rumored. Matoran had to be careful when spreading such rumors of Teridax's dictatorial leadership, for the Vahki were always watching.
The Vahki served as Teridax's army and bodyguard unit. They were his spies, his military, his most trusted source of order in his perfect empire. Their creator - a Matoran known as Nuparu - had been praised by Teridax, and bestowed the position of chief engineer in the Imperial court. Nuparu thought highly of himself, however modest he may have been in his former life.
Teridax's seizure of Metru Nui was not unheard of throughout the Matoran Universe. The Matoran of Karda were slowly enslaved when the Makuta enslaved the region with hordes of Vahki, Rahkshi, and Visorak. Only Matoran residing on islands other than Metru Nui knew if Teridax's terror. But they could not stop it.
There was news of a Matoran resistance led by a Toa never seen before... this resistance existed, definitely. But Teridax hid it well from the blind society of Matoran, and thus, so few knew of it.
But it was there.
And it would be Teridax's downfall.
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