Tsubake was the first to reach the clearing, guiding the ones who had been living underground and in the dark for so long into the place where they would hear of what he knew about the world outside, on some Kamina shit. He held memories of his past life and knowledge of the surface world that many people in the Depthsroot didn't even know were fathomable. He may have been a silly, goofy and childish man with clearly a playful disposition seemingly more prominent than his responsibility, but once the jig was up, he was ready to come clean on a few things.
"Okay. Here we are." He had been led to this place specifically because of its ties to the giant, as well as his own ties to it, as well. It almost felt like it just pumped in his blood and came natural to him, unlike with the rest of them. "Um. Sooo..." He turned around quickly, clasping his hands together once he was front and center before his peers, "... How many of you know about God. Eh? Anyone?"
After being led into the field by the monkey man, the remaining rogues that seemed to have to most understanding of this scenario; Carl, Steve and Sam (Fred went home, being a Fred) would stand before this eerie simian with a dumbfounded, slightly shocked, almost pissed, but still completely stupefied expression.
Carl: ... Oh, HELL naw.
Steve: ... Is he about to give us 'The Talk?'
It was clear that the three of them had some sort of sliver of knowledge, perhaps even greater understanding than they seemed to present... But their frustration and secrecy seemed to stem from the fact that he was bringing it up to them right here and now. What were they about to hear, and were they ready for it? If this monkey man were telling the truth, then he would explain whatever it was about the golem and this situation that they were in, which he seemed to have some hidden secret underground 'on-the'flipside' intel about... Somehow. They wanted to know about that, too. Certainly.
Carl: What does that have to do with this, anyway?
Steve: Tell me he's not about to say what I think he's going to say...
"YOU ARE CORRECT, SIR!!!" he pointed with a vigorous finger toward the "GOOD SIR!!!! Absolutely CORRECT!" He had to sit there with a cheesy grin on his face, holding back a cackling monkey laugh, "Ohhhh man. I've been waiting to do that for a long time." He felt like he'd been a tad bit too serious for just a wee bit too long in one sitting, so randomly, he just burst into a fit of complete and utter prankster jokes, just for the lulz. "... I mean, uh." He shifted his eyes about furiously from side to side and suddenly cleared his throat. "... You see, God is back. He uh. Apparently, somebody somewhere woke him up and all types of things just started happening. That's all I really know about it, though." He shrugged his shoulders and proceeded to walk off in his leather jacket, very Fully Coolly and snickered, looking at that Cross he swiped before in the other world. Or Ankh. Or what the fuck ever.
"Oh, Baby~." He snapped his fingers and a runic seal with many different archaic sigils upon it appeared before him a bit of a ways away before a badass motorcycle burst through the marked area at a high speed, sprinkling chunks of the reality before them in plain sight, as if flying from another realm. It came to a screeching halt before Tsubake, whose hair immediately flashed red and stood on end, as it had done when he lived on The Lost World. "The only reason I'm even able to do this is because I left my fucking motorcycle in the other world and I originally had red hair. Don't ask. I have a lot of powers that you may want to know about on account of uh..." With his leather jacket adorned, he popped his collar and slipped on some shades that he seemed to keep in his pocket, leaning on 'Baby's' ass and kicking a foot up to her wheel. "... Reasons." He wasn't supposed to tell them a lot. Only just enough.
"Now, you saw what happened with that there uh... Giant monster... Uh... '*scared Japanese man voice* Bakemono~~~!!! *point with finger*' Et Cetera, Et Cetera. Right?" He shrugged, shifting his head around to and fro, "Yeah, anyway, that was caused by a lot of stuff that went down somewhere you have no idea even exists. It's called 'The Surface.' Where like, everybody except you guys are right now." He sighed heavily, having to sit there and actually come to grips with THAT part right there. "... Damn. How do I even BEGIN to explain this...?" It was actually a lot more complicated than he was really able to give them based on how much they knew already. "There's this whole Tensei thing going on, and, well..." He sighed. Trying to figure out how to actually say this without giving them more than they could handle. "Maybe a... Nice little song and dance...? A jolly jig...? With a frickin' ... Catchy ass tune?" Now he was all wrapped up in how to get it to them just because he couldn't tell them, himself, because he knew there were things that were just gonna be too much to explain and too difficult to handle and shit.
"*long pause* ... *sigh* Anyway, I'm just saying. There's a hole in broadway ova' here..." He pointed to the large gateway that his motorcycle just blasted through, leading to the place he just came from, which had all types of horrible and terrible, yet cool and awesome 'End Of Days' destruction going on in it, then coughed. "And, ya know. I'm just sayin.' All that shit that happened just now was because of that family... The Tensei... Waking up. And they only awoke because of... Well. What I was saying earlier..." He looked around suspiciously, as if he were trying to make sure it were all worded correctly with his 'Frame-Catching Eyes,' "... Yeah. Yeah, that's right. I said it. I meant it. And now, I'm pretty much my part in this is pretty much over."
He sighed, remembering the words of Primalpha before he became Titane... Then furrowed his brow and shook his head with a bit of frustration, "... Shit." He looked up to them, realizing that they were complete n00bs out here on the battlefield that just now figured out there were any powers to even be had. "... Dammit." That's why he was asked to stay. "... And the Fam is..." After the transition, the lapse in memory about his family was dealt with. He found his way back to the Tensei and the 'Mother Ship,' so to speak, which was the pirate ship that he fell from when he crashed on The Lost World in the first place that long ago. "... *sigh* ... UNLESS... you guys like, need some help or something. And I mean like, REALLY need it. Cuz uh..." He rubbed his hands together and licked his lips, pretty much tasting the Veritas right now, "... I mean, I've got plans for August up above ground. Which I kiiiiiinda wanna get on top of like... RIGHT now...?" He shrugged a bit. "Come on."
The three of them stood there with a dimensional portal in front of their faces, completely and utterly pissed. They were so pissed. They know why they were pissed.
Carl: ... He DIDN'T...
Steve: ... But he DID tho'...
Sam: ... Super Saiyan God Mode? ;; Right here, right now? On the spot? ;;
Carl and Steve immediately put their heads together, because Sam was already on board when he saw his ass instantaneously become Super Saiyan God Mode, just like he'd seen on TV in DBZ. Sam was had at that. They would immediately realize that this was probably going to be the greatest opportunity of a lifetime to get some weird fucking powers from an alternate dimension that some random badass in a leather jacket told them about and clearly made a way for them to get it, which they had not only seen him do right before their eyes (with some of the dimensional chunks still jingling before them), but also could visibly SEE the energy LITERALLY leaking out right before their eyes and all the signs of it doing so.
Carl, *already on that*, "Just to be petty, yes. Absolutely. But honestly, yes. I want to do THAT shit. That shit right THERE."
Steve: You right. You are definitely correct.
Sam: ...
As soon as the energy that was released from the dimensional barrier being breached, it would immediately be converted into purified energy, as if flowing through a filter, and out before the four of them. At that moment, with a link established to the Lost World, they would be able to draw power from it and those within it. If there were any people that formerly had such power in the Lost World, it would immediately be restored to them as it had been in that realm, just the same as it did to Tsubake the moment the energy merged. It was like two beings from two different timelines syncing up in the past or future as the same being and merging realities. "... Welcome back to the ship, 'Blank'..." the Grand Golem spoke again, "... We've missed you on deck." It seemed like his memory was finally starting to return to him, and at just the right moment, too. Most of it was still in that other world, and only a token of that would be necessary for him to return to his normal form with the part of his memory he lost when he fell off of the ship and crashed the first time. It was good that he finally made it back, though. It was very clear that he was more crucial than meets the eye, even as a silly monkey.
Suddenly, from the roots that made up their cavernous ceiling would fall from above several dark shadows donning variable masks. They would fall to the ground beside Tsubake, as if they had been waiting for him. "Here it is... The Portal to The Lost World..." It was opened up right where the Tree of Death was, drawing in the energy of that world as it rather swiftly killed the planet and sucked it dry of all its energy from becoming a hazard zone. "... Disgusting, isn't it...?" said the leader of the Alpha Squad, shaking his head, "... And it used to look so beautiful before the Darkness took over..." He wondered actually how many realms TRULY suffered this same exact fate... It was spoken of in many of their fables, disguises as everyday entertainment like comics and video games. This Phantom, if no one else, knew what the truth was... They were ALL other worlds, just like The Lost World, and they were ALL in very REAL danger. "... I feel sorry for anyone that is trapped there for too much longer..." The tinged red of the sky was just sickening.
"Yeahyeahyeah, it looks like shit, I know." Tsubake could tell that the spirits of the Phantoms were getting restless, if they were actually coming down HERE with the NOOB and shit looking for people. "And it's good to be back, Fam," he said proudly, finally able to return to his Pirate Ship... The Mother Ship, at that. "I'm so pissed that I fell off and lost my memory, especially for so long, but damn, it feels SO good to be right back home." He stroked his pretty pet, 'Oh, Baby' and slapped her rear, engine still a hummin'. "So, what's the deal? I was just sitting here giving them 'The Talk,' so... I mean, what's the biz?" Tsubake, being on the Earth, got messages from up above, usually spiritually, of which the Phantoms showed the most interest. "What's going down? How we getting this done? What's word from the top? Like, let me know. You know how it is."
"I'll take it from here, thank you, Bro." Only those who were part of the crew knew how and why to call him 'Bro.' Tabrith only called one man 'Bro.' It sounded weird because Tabrith usually spoke so properly and formally, however he paid regular respect and tribute to everything at all times that wished and deserved it. He was 'Bro' for a reason and he respected it, so he would be referred to as such. "... It's about time for your break, anyway. You should head to the Delta. Party City, and whatnot." He thought that Tsubake remaining would be a good idea for helping the others understand, but Tabrith felt as if he could take things from here on his own.
"But it's good to see the Phantoms have responded so quickly," he added as they appeared behind Tsubake. "So, then. Since even you have finally Risen, go into the Lost World and acquire us the power of 'Sheng The Great.'" Fortunately, legend of 'Sheng The Great' was already long imprinted in history, and it was about time for them to start making use of their open portal. Might have to close it and open it elsewhere, though. Then that would change the entire location of the portal, especially in coordination to the coordinates of the location in the Veritas. "You know what to do from there. Report back when you acquire the Artifacts."
After giving them their mission, the voice that echoed throughout the cavernous cage of roots would pass over to the Rogues, of whom were going to be listening to Tabrith for a while. They seemed to dislike Tsubake, even though he was basically everything they asked for. They didn't take into account that they might not like him because of his skill level and natural competitive jealousy. What they needed to be was further away from him until they caught up, and then worked with directly by the Great Mind, itself. "Certainly, you must be confused as to what is even happening right now, yes?"
Carl: WHAT THE F--
Steve: Wha... What did you make them go do?!
Sam: What's 'The Lost World'? I'm pretty confused.
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