On a stormy night, Daemon was sleeping in his room. He was sweating profoundly, squirming in his bed. He was having a dream, a nightmare at that. In his dream he saw a portal opening in the sky. Through the portal came pouring silhouettes of beings whose bodies and faces were blur. The beings started to act nicely to the people of the world 'Eziavar,' but soon enough when given enough time they began to oppress the givers and started to rule over the world. Wars broke out everywhere, millions of people began to die. There he saw his family's cold bodies in dark and abandoned.
Daemon startled and jolted awake in his bed. Sweat trickled down on the bed through his body. Panting heavily and wiping of sweat from his forehead Daemon looked at the clock. It was 2 in the morning. The storm outside was heavy and thunderous, so he pushed his blanket aside and climbed down off the bed. He slid in to his slippers and walked to the windows. The storm was heavy. Lighting crackled the sky with enough force to split even mountains. Daemon know what he saw on his dream was something happened centuries ago and the resulting war is still going on even on these days. Thus, forcing everyone peasants or nobles alike to wield a sword and learn magic spells.
The outsiders or 'Braharis' first came to this world through a crack in the sky. The crack was huge and the kingdom near the crack started to take action. They sent people near the portal to investigate but apart from being a crack that tore the sky they weren't able to find anything at all. The crack was filled with mana and it was constantly absorbing mana from the atmosphere in a steady and low pace. Since they weren't able to find anything from the crack and not to do anything dangerous like destroying it since they don't know what will happen if they destroy it, they pushed it aside. And sure enough nothing happened for years, or they thought. The crack was gathering enough mana to open a portal in this side and with enough time they gathered it and a portal opened in the sky. Everyone knew what it was since magic was around ages ago. People became alerted on the new arrival of the portal. The kingdom closet to the portal, 'Naendis,' sent their warriors around the portal. Sometimes later a being came through the portal. He looked like a human. He was alone. The Naendis warriors apprehended him. He didn't resist. He was brought to the king. Where they questioned him. And he answered duly.
The outsider or 'Braharis' (Braharis means demons in ancient language) called by other nations, told the king that crack also appeared on their world too and he was the one who sent as a messenger by the king of their world. He presented the king with all kind of magic devices and elixirs and other precious gifts. Blinded by the greed, the king offered them trade with this world. Soon the outsiders started to pour in through the portal with precious goods and stuffs. The trade flourished. The Naendis kingdom started to bloom with vigour and life. The kingdom developed to a stage where no other kingdom came in close to them on development.
The Braharis offered trade to other kingdoms too. But because they were wary or too prideful to accept them, they declined the offer. It was good for Naendis as they will get the goods exclusively for them. But that was a mistake as more and more Braharis came to the world, the king offered a small plot of land for them. The Braharis, started to make magical weapons and other military stuffs and replaced the kingdom soldiers with their own. The king didn't stop them as he know the Braharis are stronger than his soldier. Then they started to put their hands on the official matters of the kingdom. The king didn't stop them as he know they are smarter than the morons of his council. Soon the Braharis replaced the king's advisor with their own and the king didn't stop them as he know the Braharis are smarter and cunning than his own advisor.
For fifty years the human king of Naendis ruled his kingdom with vigour and happiness. For that the kingdom flourished and developed too much. The king's health declined very soon. But no elixir or healer was able to cure his health. The king pleaded the Braharis and they showed him their true colour. The Braharis wanted his throne in exchange for his life. Fifty years of foolishness and enjoyment made the king a fool. Fearing for his life, the king accepted their offer and soon announced the new coronation of the new king. the people didn't refute his words as they also know the Braharis are better than the old king. The guy who came for trade has become the king. and soon the kingdom started to fall. They made the citizens of the kingdom their absolute slaves. They were forced to labour in harsh conditions without wage or enough food. When they complained to their new king, he just shrugged them off and killed anyone who oppressed them. soon the once flourished and merry people become bleak and depressed.
After 10 years the natives of the Naendis kingdom dwindled to a smaller community while the Braharis grew in size. They tried to trade with other kingdoms and they were declined. Soon a war broke out and to this day the war hasn't finished.
Daemon knows about this story. Not just him every one in the entire planet knows about the tale of the foolish king. watching the storm, Daemon thought about his dream. He knows they were not a normal dream because all of his dreams have meanings to them and this happens from time to time. He knows his dreams have meanings. But he doesn't know how to interpret them. Daemon know what must be done. He will ask his father about any recent events or movements from the Braharis. His father, the duke who is also a member of the alliance will surely know about their movements. And with that in mind Daemon drank some water from the bottle on the table and climbed back to his bed for a good night sleep.
When morning came daemon woke up and freshened up. He wants to have the conversation with his dad before he leaves for his meeting with the king. After putting on a white shirt, black trousers and leather boots he left his room and walked towards the dining hall. The maids and butlers looked at him with astonishment. Daemon know they were looking at him because he usually sleeps till noon and never came out of his room before that. He avoided their gaze and entered the dining room. Instantly the room become quiet. He felt their gaze on him. Astonishment, excitement and many other emotions wore their faces.
"Good morning dad. Good morning mom." He greeted them and quietly walked towards the dining table and took an empty seat. The quietness made him uncomfortable.
"What?" he asked.
"Nothing. Just wondering if you are my real brother or some other doppelganger?" the youngest of the siblings asked. Daerys was 3 years younger than Daemon.
"What do you think?" rebuked Daemon.
"You are here for something that is for sure or why else my dear lazy brother woke up in the morning. Even if you somehow woke that doesn't explain why you took a bath or wore a new dress." Daenys ended her sentence with a smirk.
Daemon was about to reply to his sister's rude remark when the duke, Aeron Reinheart asked in a low voice
"Is there something you want to ask about, Daemon?"
Daemon became flustered because of the development of the conversation. He would have asked his question in a casual way in their conversation while eating but all of them went to trash when his sister interfered with her question.
"Ah well, um… do you…" they all looked at him. But he continued with his question. "Hm… do you have any recent news about the Braharis?" An unprecedented silence enshrouded the dining room.
"Why did you ask?" after what feels like eternity to Daemon, the duke asked.
"Have you had another dream or something?" chimed his mother, Duchess Elisa. Daemon subtly nodded his head to this remark.
"Ah," shouted Daerys "Daemon, the Dreamer has woken up again"
The duke looked at Daerys furiously which made her to shut her mouth and eat her breakfast. He looked at Daemon and said,
"Well, there wasn't any news about their movement or anything. But the 'High Council' has called for a meeting in the coming days and I'm leaving today. Do you want to come with me? Reiner is coming with me."
"what! why not me" shouted Amon. "He is useless there, I can be useful there"
"He is smarter than you. He knows about magic more than you. He knows about the history more than you. Power is not everything. Amon. You know that too" Reiner, who was silent for the most part silently said.
The other two siblings was silent for the most part. They didn't participate in these kind of things. Like they don't care at all.
Amon didn't say anything anymore. He was angry at his father and his brother Daemon. He was angry that some one of their family is useless in terms of combat. He was more angry because someone who was hailed as a prodigy suddenly stopped his training and started to focus on books about histories and magics. Even after that his dad or mom never got angry with him. This further angered him as their silence was like acceptance to him. For someone like Amon who is proud about their family lineage of warriors, Daemon was a disgrace. Not just Amon, the other siblings except Daerys doesn't like him. They look at him like disgrace. Whereas, Reinar doesn't talk too much but never was hostile with Daemon.
"Yeah, i would like that." said Daemon
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