2 episodes
Olivier Dubois is one of the best known persons in Beaumont, a small city thriving in a valley hidden by uncharted mountains. This being mostly as the owner of the local flower shop: Zephyr Lily. The place where you could get what you need for pretty much any situation, St Valentine's Day, weddings, funerals, getting rid of a hex... In truth he might be known by and know almost everyone in town because of his business, barely a handful of people knew why the young man had arrived to the city with a single backpack and his cat, Rain, a few years back.
Contains LGBTQ+ characters
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Olivier Dubois is one of the best known persons in Beaumont, a small city thriving in a valley hidden by uncharted mountains. This being mostly as the owner of the local flower shop: Zephyr Lily. The place where you could get what you need for pretty much any situation, St Valentine's Day, weddings, funerals, getting rid of a hex... In truth he might be known by and know almost everyone in town because of his business, barely a handful of people knew why the young man had arrived to the city with a single backpack and his cat, Rain, a few years back.
Contains LGBTQ+ characters
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Arna (GL)
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