2 episodes
An older comic. Published originally in 2012 by P2 Manga LLC.
The world is full of danger. Frigid winters. Assassins. Morvan Wolves. But most of all... there is the old, dark magic of the Glass River.
Can Nordos keep his friends and family safe?
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An older comic. Published originally in 2012 by P2 Manga LLC.
The world is full of danger. Frigid winters. Assassins. Morvan Wolves. But most of all... there is the old, dark magic of the Glass River.
Can Nordos keep his friends and family safe?
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Comic Action 263 likes
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Black Key Incubus
Comic Fantasy 360.5k likes
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Comic Fantasy 47.3k likes
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The Blue Witch
Comic Fantasy 131.6k likes
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Half Moon
Comic Fantasy 13.1k likes
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