1 episode
Waiting by the atmospheric countryside, a girl enters an elegant train to ride home. Passing bridges and mountains, and observing the world inside this outlandish train, ghosts and mentally traumatized passengers reside.
The train burns to the lakeside, and she goes back to where she came from.
(Banner borrowed from Sklorg on Pixabay)
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Waiting by the atmospheric countryside, a girl enters an elegant train to ride home. Passing bridges and mountains, and observing the world inside this outlandish train, ghosts and mentally traumatized passengers reside.
The train burns to the lakeside, and she goes back to where she came from.
(Banner borrowed from Sklorg on Pixabay)
Completed series
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More by the creator
Collection of Poems
Novel Slice of life 0 likes
Fans also read
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Comic Mystery 395.5k likes
Fans also read
Hayden's notes
Comic Mystery 148.9k likes
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Comic Mystery 216k likes
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