14 episodes
Episode 1
Chapter 1
Sep 04, 2018253 views
Episode 2
Chapter 2
Sep 04, 2018112 views
Episode 3
chapter 3
Sep 04, 201876 views
Episode 4
Chapter 4
Sep 05, 201883 views
Episode 5
Chapter 5
Sep 06, 201870 views
Episode 6
Chapter 6
Sep 07, 201885 views
Episode 7
Chapter 7
Sep 10, 201881 views
Episode 8
Chapter 8
Sep 11, 2018100 views
Episode 9
Sep 11, 201876 views
Episode 10
Chapter 10
Sep 12, 2018103 views
Episode 11
Chapter 11
Sep 12, 201878 views
Episode 12
Chapter 12
Sep 13, 201887 views
Episode 13
Chapter 13
Sep 14, 201872 views
Episode 14
Chapter 14
Sep 14, 201876 views
DON’T need to have read the rest of the series to understand!
This is a companion book.
“You hold our realm together.” That is what is everyone says about the Elders of Utawaleza. Enormous power, yes, soul choking responsibility, yes and restrictions you bet! Ayamba, a 23 year old elder’s protégé, is sent on a mission to collect a cure for a disease plaguing their villages. He goes with Khuze, the daughter of the sociopathic ngoni General Khataza. Khuze helped her father start the outbreak; a condition of her pardon is finding the cure with Ayamba. She supports her father completely. His ideals are her ideal, his values her values, his vision her vision…or so she wants to think but being the benign Ayamba. The future Elder of Utawaleza; the image of what she thought was megalomania but might actually be order and altruism, she begins to questions her father’s ideals.
Ayamba is meek, taciturn and reflective. Khuze is impetuous, extroverted and an adrenaline junkie. Bound together by this important mission, what will happen to these two opposites? Will they fall for each other. Of course not because Ayamba is so controlled and she is so different from him? Who has time to fall in love when there is a plague threatening to bring their whole world to ashes?
For Khuze this is a journey that will uncover many secrets and open her up to who she truly is. For Ayamba this is a journey that will make him question what he stands for and open him to what lies beneath his quietude.
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DON’T need to have read the rest of the series to understand!
This is a companion book.
“You hold our realm together.” That is what is everyone says about the Elders of Utawaleza. Enormous power, yes, soul choking responsibility, yes and restrictions you bet! Ayamba, a 23 year old elder’s protégé, is sent on a mission to collect a cure for a disease plaguing their villages. He goes with Khuze, the daughter of the sociopathic ngoni General Khataza. Khuze helped her father start the outbreak; a condition of her pardon is finding the cure with Ayamba. She supports her father completely. His ideals are her ideal, his values her values, his vision her vision…or so she wants to think but being the benign Ayamba. The future Elder of Utawaleza; the image of what she thought was megalomania but might actually be order and altruism, she begins to questions her father’s ideals.
Ayamba is meek, taciturn and reflective. Khuze is impetuous, extroverted and an adrenaline junkie. Bound together by this important mission, what will happen to these two opposites? Will they fall for each other. Of course not because Ayamba is so controlled and she is so different from him? Who has time to fall in love when there is a plague threatening to bring their whole world to ashes?
For Khuze this is a journey that will uncover many secrets and open her up to who she truly is. For Ayamba this is a journey that will make him question what he stands for and open him to what lies beneath his quietude.
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