In a world where humans and magical creatures coexist, a powerful and ancient dragon known as Ryujin is the last of its kind. Ryujin has been guarding a powerful artifact for centuries, the Dragon's Eye, which has the ability to grant immense power to whoever possesses it.
As Ryujin grows weaker with age, an organization of dark wizards known as the “Incognito” discovers the location of the Dragon's Eye and sets out to steal it. In order to protect the artifact and prevent it from falling into the wrong hands, Ryujin must find a new guardian who possesses the strength and courage to protect it.
Enter Pedro, a young orphan with a troubled past and a hidden power. Ryujin senses the potential within Pedro and entrusts him with the task of becoming the new guardian of the Dragon's Eye. With the help of a wise and powerful sorceress named Izabella, Pedro must learn to harness his newfound abilities and protect the Dragon's Eye from the Incognito who seek to use it for Unknown purposes.
As Pedro trains to become the last guardian of the Dragon's Eye, he discovers that there are others who share his fate and possess unique powers. Together, they must unite to defend the artifact and prevent a catastrophic war between humans and magical creatures.
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