1 episode
There was a time when I thought you loved me, and I gave all of my heart to you.
But I have been blind, and you used my own hands to close my eyes, obscuring the lights that I could no longer see.
This is a story of a man who gained a new lease of life, chased his dream and lived a life that he once thought he could no longer have.
This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to real people, place or situation is purely coincidental.
And this is also the time I tell you that my grammar wasn't the best and have never been, so I'm sorry for the bad grammar you will see in this series. Cover is a placeholder, don't think too much. Descriptions may change in the future. Set in China, and the characters are Chinese. Though I might use real city and towns name, don't believe too much with my geography explanation because it's mostly made up. Just think of it as an alternative universe. This is pretty much just an entertainment industry novel...
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Hello everyone, I'm Silver Raven, a writer, an artist, and a bird.
I'm pretty much still lacking in many aspect regarding my arts and stories, but I'll try my hardest to get the best of it out so you can enjoy it and maybe in the way, you can take a lessons from my works and characters. (Er, I'll try to not make too much depressing stuff... but no promise. XD )
And what's the best way to help me sending off my creations to the world to see?
It is by supporting me with inks or Ko-Fi!
(This is the link UwU : ko-fi.com/silverraven )
You can take part in helping me to get the necessities I need to draw because I'm obviously lacking in funds for it, thought I may never be able to pay back your kindness except for continuing to create my arts and stories. (Though I procrastinated a lot... ;v;)
Thank you for all of you who supported me. You just made this small bird really happy.
(ノ≧◇≦)ノ❤️Read more
There was a time when I thought you loved me, and I gave all of my heart to you.
But I have been blind, and you used my own hands to close my eyes, obscuring the lights that I could no longer see.
This is a story of a man who gained a new lease of life, chased his dream and lived a life that he once thought he could no longer have.
This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to real people, place or situation is purely coincidental.
And this is also the time I tell you that my grammar wasn't the best and have never been, so I'm sorry for the bad grammar you will see in this series. Cover is a placeholder, don't think too much. Descriptions may change in the future. Set in China, and the characters are Chinese. Though I might use real city and towns name, don't believe too much with my geography explanation because it's mostly made up. Just think of it as an alternative universe. This is pretty much just an entertainment industry novel...
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