9 episodes
Episode 1
Texting Trouble
Apr 08, 2018291 views
Episode 2
Texting Trouble 2
Apr 15, 2018136 views
Episode 3
Texting Trouble 3
Apr 23, 2018161 views
Episode 4
Texting Trouble part 4
May 06, 2018159 views
Episode 5
Texting Trouble 5
May 12, 2018139 views
Episode 6
Texting Trouble 6
May 20, 2018111 views
Episode 7
Texting Trouble 7
Jun 09, 2018114 views
Episode 8
Texting Trouble 8
Jun 12, 201867 views
Episode 9
Texting Trouble 9
Jun 17, 2018269 views
Joris is a shy boy that gets bullied on school. Luckily when he read books about the medieval past, he transforms into a knight. As a unbeatable warrior he fights with thieves, dark lords, witches and dragons. But will his problems in normal life get the better of him?
The Medieval Knight is a series that covers present-day topics, like bullying, sexting, gender and feminism. At the same time it aims to educate a younger audience about the medieval time and other periods. The fighting postures and techniques in this series are skills taught by medieval fighting schools in Europe.
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Joris is a shy boy that gets bullied on school. Luckily when he read books about the medieval past, he transforms into a knight. As a unbeatable warrior he fights with thieves, dark lords, witches and dragons. But will his problems in normal life get the better of him?
The Medieval Knight is a series that covers present-day topics, like bullying, sexting, gender and feminism. At the same time it aims to educate a younger audience about the medieval time and other periods. The fighting postures and techniques in this series are skills taught by medieval fighting schools in Europe.
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#Funny Spoilers
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