Bank robbery
Howdy, I´m Peter. I don´t know if somebody can hear this, but because I have hope I´ll also report today.
Today was a calm day. The Starwarriors didn´t rob anything and the most exciting thing today was a cat on a bus.
Who are the Starwarriors? Well, they are the most famous group of bandits in our galaxy. Normally they do illegal stuff every day, but surprisingly not today.
Yes, you´ve heard right. In our galaxy! Since the collapse 10 Galoders (aprox 20 years) ago, between our planet Xupser 6.3.8. and two of our 13 moons wich were connected via a rainbowbridge, we are forced to live in space.
Right now I´m sitting in my office in the police office on the seventh moon. I´m the captain and in the name of all the people of Xupser 6.3.8., if you hear this, please help us. Help us build a new city or give a few from us shelter or… I honestly don´t know how you can help, but every single, little bit helps.
Thank y´all for listening.
Peter out.
„I hope this time someone hears that“ I say while lost in thoughs. „We all hope so.“ I snap out of my thoughts and rush around. Brightlight is standing in the door. „Gosh! Don´t scare me like that!“ I say. I´m kinda pissed. „Boss, Boss! The Starwarriors are trying to rob the bank on moon 10!“ Stormeye reported. So I guess in the end there will never be a day free from the Starwarriors. „Suppelshit! And I just hoped to have a calming day for once.“ I quickly get the team together and only a short time afterwards, we arrive. The Starwarriors are still trying to open the safe but they seem to not even have a clue yet. The director comes to us and proudly tells us, that this is the newest save and nobody can open it by force. Before he gets to tell us about the creating oft the safe I stop him. „It´s better if you and all your subordinates go a few steps away. We will be going in now.“ They all step back and I seperate my Team in two grous. One group will overtake the spaceships oft he Starwarriors, while the other group will go into the bank and arrest the Starwarriors. I´m in the second group, so I lead them into the bank. We knock out a few Starwarriors wich should watch and after peeking behind a corner we can see the Starwarriors standing in front of the safe, trying to crack it.
I silently give my squad a sign and we rush around the corner. Completely startled from us the Starwarriors just stand there, forgetting that they have weapons in there hands. Idiots! The arrest goes surprisingly smooth and so we are back at the office only a little time later.
„We have the Starwarriors!“ everyone shouts out. We are currently having a little party because we were finally able to catch the Starwarriors, the most annoying bandit group in our galaxy. I am just about to give all the people who helped a day off tomorrow, when we hear a loud noise. We quickly look out the windows and see the Starwarriors fly away. „Fuck!“
Hi, I´m new at publishing stories and also writing in english. I am always happy if you have a few tips and tricks or if you correct me, if I did mistakes.
Thanks for your support <3
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