Hello! This series is for a variety of one-offs relating to The Operatives, a larger narrative I’ve been curating for about a year now. Here’s some general context.
The American Cybernetics Association (ACA) oversees all things cybernetics in the United States. ACA agencies are a form of law enforcement that has mostly replaced the police force. They emphasize protecting the people first and protecting written law second.
The Goddard Institute of Cybernetics is the largest cybernetics organization on the West Coast. It’s located in Los Angeles, California. Goddard handles a number of tasks, like law enforcement, bionics research, and more.
Atria is a large cybernetics organization located in New York City. Unlike Goddard, their job is law enforcement only. They are the primary protectors of NYC.
The International Covert Agent (ICA) program recruited some of the most elite operatives from every country in order to carry out dangerous, covert missions. However, corruption ran deep within the organization and brainwashing tactics became the backbone of their practice. As a result, they were no longer carrying out tasks in the interest of the people, but rather to sabotage the ACA. It has since been replaced with the stricter, more sound Sovereign Agent Program.
The Agents of Goddard:
NATHANIEL "NATE" ANASTASIO - After an injury during a rescue operation, his injuries were healed with bionic plating & nerve repair on the right side of his neck. Transferred to the mission communications sector after his injury, but returned to field work a year later. Primarily fights with batons.
REESE FRANKLIN - Ex-ICA and master of close-quarters combat; fights with a bo staff. Tough and often a bit hotheaded, but has learned to let her guard down with her close friends. After growing up with no arms, the ACA provides her with two combat-grade bionic arms.
ADYA MILANA PRISHAM - After a landmine explosion, she became the first human brain in a fully bionic body. She moved to the United States and became an ACA agent around age 20.
ZION SCOTT - Osteosarcoma survivor with two bionic arms and two bionic legs. Mellow, level headed, and compassionate; gets recruited by the Sovereign Agent Program in his mid to late 20s.
SASHA “COLBY” COLBURN - Sharpshooter who spends a year as a vigilante before joining Goddard. Shattered bones and knife wounds resulted in her receiving two bionic hands at age 21.
The Agents of Atria:
ELIAS MARSHALL - The only male member of the Valkyries, one of Atria’s most skilled teams of agents. After resigning from a previous agency, he floats around NYC as a mercenary of sorts. Atria recruits him in order to prevent him from being pulled onto the side of illegal bionics dealers.
PAIGE KINCAID - Daring, yet careful member of the Valkyries. Says what’s on her mind and is almost always ready for a fight.
BRYCE PETERS - Most rational member of the Valkyries behind Sara. Knows a lot about engineering, bionics, and computers. Keeps Paige in check when she gets too angry.
MAISIE MARTINET - Learns to navigate life after going blind at 13. The ACA offers her a way to bionically restore her sight; interested in becoming an agent, she accepts. Youngest member of the Valkyries; bubbly, hardworking, creative. Often spars without her sight.
SARA MADDOX - Former leader of the Valkyries. Lost her legs in an accident; during her healing/recovery process, Eli fills the space left by her.
Miscellaneous Characters:
CHARLOTTE CAELIUS - Undergoes the same mind transfer procedure that Adya went through, but it nearly fails. She escapes the facility and creates a new identity for herself, changing her appearance entirely. Now lives as a mercenary/vigilante in LA.
ALONDRA VASQUEZ - Owns and operates The Nest, a sanctuary for people with illegal bionics. Briefly dated Colby when the two were both vigilantes in LA.
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