12 episodes
Episode 1
Chapter 1: Wade apologizes to Jake
Feb 03, 20245 views
Episode 2
Chapter 2: Missing Persons
Feb 22, 202446 views
Episode 3
Chapter 3: Summer Break
Feb 26, 202439 views
Episode 4
Chapter 4: Birth of Jessica
Mar 01, 202432 views
Episode 5
Chapter 5: The Massacre of Max
Mar 19, 20240 views
Episode 6
Chapter 6: Panorama Elementary
Mar 24, 202430 views
Episode 7
Chapter 7: Halloween Day
Mar 27, 20240 views
Episode 8
Chapter 8: School Brawl
Apr 20, 20240 views
Episode 9
Chapter 9: Istrinas Mall
Apr 28, 20241 view
Episode 10
Chapter 10: 2007’s Twisted Memory
May 08, 20241 view
Episode 11
Chapter 11: One Killer Party
May 25, 20241 view
Episode 12
Chapter 12: Moving to Saint Willsden
May 28, 202419 views
After the prom in 2007, Wade apologizes to Jake for cutting his hair off and dies there. Before summer starts, Barbara closes Fashiona due to her daughter died and screams at Paige while a guy recorded her. Before moving to Istrinas, Paige packed all of her things as all of her school days are erased for a new room. At the mall of Veritas, Kyle’s mother is pregnant and also Monica. After June, Max and Riley had a child named Jessica birthed in July 1 after Sally Carpenter and later they’re missing or dead. Nowadays, Jessica is an elementary school outcast and has powers to kill a mass of teenagers.
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After the prom in 2007, Wade apologizes to Jake for cutting his hair off and dies there. Before summer starts, Barbara closes Fashiona due to her daughter died and screams at Paige while a guy recorded her. Before moving to Istrinas, Paige packed all of her things as all of her school days are erased for a new room. At the mall of Veritas, Kyle’s mother is pregnant and also Monica. After June, Max and Riley had a child named Jessica birthed in July 1 after Sally Carpenter and later they’re missing or dead. Nowadays, Jessica is an elementary school outcast and has powers to kill a mass of teenagers.
Completed series
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