I was thinking about this to much, this man wasn’t a criminal, just a bartender. A bartender with a gun on him.
“So, are you going to be getting a drink today or are you just going to stare at me?”.
“Yeah. I’ll take a large milk.” I spoke as I noticed something peculiar. The man had a small badge on his chest with a yellow phoenix and a red stripe. This man is with The United Federation. He then walked away into what I assumed was the kitchen. I took the his small window of time to ready my weapon, just in case.
“Your milk is ready.” He said as he handed me the milk. I started to take a drink. “So, what side are you on customer?” Crap, he was on to me.
“I’m with the UF.” I confidently said making sure I wasn’t giving any hints as to me true identity.
“Say, why do you lie to me.” The bartender calmly asked. Yep, he was on to me. I prepared for this. I raised my gun and pointed it at him. Ziiish. I grazed his shoulder. He bent over and grasped at the new wound. “I’ll kill you!”
I would care about what he just said, but I have a new issue. The Chilogari police. You see in this dense city, a gun shot is going to be heard by someone, and there is always a cop to come quickly. The wounded bartender began to speak. “Please help me, I’ll be killed if they come here.” I knew what he meant.
“So it’s been 3 months?” I questioned.
“You’d be correct.” He cried.
“Fine.” I grabbed him and helped him out the back of his Bar. We walked throughout the busy streets, trying to act our hardest like normal civilians. Upon reaching the ship lots, I loaded him into my ship and flew him as close to Salem City as possible without being noticed. Although, there were many more construction workers then normal. What were they building out here?.
“Get out.” I said to the bartender. He nodded his head and climbed out of my ship. He walked off to the nearest construction workers. I watched as they had an interaction. Then I noticed, the man I just saved pointed at my ship. The construction worker tapped his mic and started talking. I know what’s happening.
I floored on my pedal and aimed for Driftia. This ship won’t hold well in space, but I should be fine as long as I make it to the city. Then I heard it. A small synthetic whooshing sound coming from behind my ship. Peering from my rear view, I noticed a figure out in the distance. That bartender ratted me out.
<coms open>
“Attention Nilleia. This is Cassian Lunas. I’m being followed by a UF ship. I’d like a light shot”
“We will send a light shot in your direction. Expect.”
<coms closed>
Of course, the best part. When your expecting a shot you notice the signs. But when your unaware, it’s sudden. Looking to my right I saw a slight discoloring in the emptiness of space. I pulled my lever to steer left. The ship behind me quickly engulfed in flames, and combusted.
Quickly the darkness of space gave way to the ginormous ship. The lights appeared as the stars, and the dark color as the void. Driftia was a sight to behold. The Zythol House’s flag ship, or city, was the largest owned property of all of Zythol and the most populated as well. The interface on my dash lit up and displayed the number 43.
My ship came down softly as I made sure I was at the right dock. The 43 turned into a check mark. great. I stepped out and into the spacious area. The docks were never buzzing with life, but an occasional guard would stop someone suspected to be belonging to a different faction.
Luckily, I’m Lunas, a high ranked memember of Zythol, so worrying about having to be checked was never an issue. I checked the ship making sure space did not rip any parts off, but it was fine. After this I began to head towards the city gates.
Walking through the city was always beautiful. Driftia is only city in space, so it’s always lovely seeing the hidden lighting make the streets illuminate. Above it looks like night, and the city is so dark you could be convinced it is, but I assure that it is truly in space. After a while of walking I found a taxi willing to take me to the hall.
Upon arrival the walls shone, and the crowned roof gleamed. Today was the day, I was getting promoted.
“Hey Lunas, report to room 7.” Nilleia told.
“Thanks Nilleia. That shot earlier really helped.” She nodded and walked away towards the exit. Here was my promotion. I turned the knob and walked in.
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