6 episodes
Episode 1
The Hoarder
Apr 01, 2018643 views
Episode 2
The Wedding
Apr 02, 2018203 views
Episode 3
The Bride and The Groom
Apr 03, 2018131 views
Episode 4
The Shelter
Apr 04, 2018137 views
Episode 5
The Generators
Apr 05, 2018169 views
Episode 6
The Gig
Apr 09, 2018229 views
Bee hoards and collects music, in return for food and water. When the world is left in ruins after an 'unspeakable' event, Bee tries her best to save and salvage any copies of music she can find, for the future of humanity and their taste in music.
But when an awkward musician named Kevin asks Bee to help him record his first album, ever, she is suddenly thrown into the weird and wonderful attempt of creating music in a post-apocalyptic world.
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Bee hoards and collects music, in return for food and water. When the world is left in ruins after an 'unspeakable' event, Bee tries her best to save and salvage any copies of music she can find, for the future of humanity and their taste in music.
But when an awkward musician named Kevin asks Bee to help him record his first album, ever, she is suddenly thrown into the weird and wonderful attempt of creating music in a post-apocalyptic world.
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