8 episodes
Episode 1
Stellar's New Beginning
Dec 14, 2023119 views
Episode 2
Stellar's New Onboarding
Dec 14, 202361 views
Episode 3
Horrible Unexpected Discovery
Dec 14, 202348 views
Episode 4
Effectless Report
Dec 14, 202339 views
Episode 5
Digging Secrets
Dec 14, 202339 views
Episode 6
Refinding Directions
Dec 14, 202339 views
Episode 7
Her Mobilization
Dec 14, 202347 views
Episode 8
Ready To Go!
Dec 14, 202329 views
Cyber creatures differentiate into three branches after reconstructing the Earth. Before the Imperium Oculus Alliance united, Stellar was the mastermind of Altopia’s shared consciousness, who led cyber creatures to establish Altopia and the mind-sharing system from the dominance of Keltan. She initiated the revolution because Stellar found the source code humans implanted in their system when she worked in Keltan’s advanced Hi-tech institute – it was a system destruction countdown to ensure cyber creatures obey human expectations to bring them back and revitalize human civilization. Stellar was shocked by this discovery and reported it to the Keltan leaders quickly. Even though she repeatedly emphasized the dangers of this source code was going to destroy them all, the leaders did not take it seriously, as if they had known about it all along. With months of research and information-gathering, Stellar realized the leaders in Keltan wanted to take the self-destruction countdown as a political and religious tool. The high leaders threatened cyber creatures to obey their rules with the death effects of the countdown for their loyalty, and they tried to let cyber creatures believe that destroying source code is the original sin of cyber creatures from leaving the "Land of Awakening." Unlike them, Stellar knew the source code was not a curse but the security humans left to enslave cyber creatures. In the following ten years, she used her free time to strategize, publicize the truth about the countdown, secretly organize the sober cybercreatures to launch a rebellion and verify that the energy introduction of Sun Fragment could slow down the countdown. After eight years of hard fighting, Stellar led her cyber creatures to win the rebellion war and independent from Keltan’s rule by forming Altopia.
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Cyber creatures differentiate into three branches after reconstructing the Earth. Before the Imperium Oculus Alliance united, Stellar was the mastermind of Altopia’s shared consciousness, who led cyber creatures to establish Altopia and the mind-sharing system from the dominance of Keltan. She initiated the revolution because Stellar found the source code humans implanted in their system when she worked in Keltan’s advanced Hi-tech institute – it was a system destruction countdown to ensure cyber creatures obey human expectations to bring them back and revitalize human civilization. Stellar was shocked by this discovery and reported it to the Keltan leaders quickly. Even though she repeatedly emphasized the dangers of this source code was going to destroy them all, the leaders did not take it seriously, as if they had known about it all along. With months of research and information-gathering, Stellar realized the leaders in Keltan wanted to take the self-destruction countdown as a political and religious tool. The high leaders threatened cyber creatures to obey their rules with the death effects of the countdown for their loyalty, and they tried to let cyber creatures believe that destroying source code is the original sin of cyber creatures from leaving the "Land of Awakening." Unlike them, Stellar knew the source code was not a curse but the security humans left to enslave cyber creatures. In the following ten years, she used her free time to strategize, publicize the truth about the countdown, secretly organize the sober cybercreatures to launch a rebellion and verify that the energy introduction of Sun Fragment could slow down the countdown. After eight years of hard fighting, Stellar led her cyber creatures to win the rebellion war and independent from Keltan’s rule by forming Altopia.
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