20 episodes
Episode 1
Episode #1
Jan 04, 2015294 views
Episode 2
Episode #2
Jan 04, 2015144 views
Episode 3
Episode #3
Jan 10, 2015110 views
Episode 4
Episode 4
Jan 25, 2015118 views
Episode 5
episode 5
Jan 30, 2015161 views
Episode 6
episode 6 - The Unstoppable Crunch #2
Feb 21, 201598 views
Episode 7
episode 7
Mar 01, 2015136 views
Episode 8
episode 8
Mar 21, 201599 views
Episode 9
episode 9
Apr 03, 2015115 views
Episode 10
episode 10
Apr 25, 2015108 views
Episode 11
episode 11
May 08, 2015102 views
Episode 12
episode 12 - The epic conclusion to "Time Down"!!
May 24, 2015119 views
Episode 13
episode 13- The Unstoppable Crunch #3 - "The Bullet"
Jun 14, 2015105 views
Episode 14
episode14- Look who showed up for the party!
Jun 29, 201589 views
Episode 15
Episode 15 - Old enemies return!!
Aug 17, 2015103 views
Episode 16
Episode 16 - Speed Attack!!
Sep 30, 2015115 views
Episode 17
Episode 17 - Monkey Invasion!!
Nov 14, 201595 views
Episode 18
episode 18- A day at the beach
Nov 21, 201599 views
Episode 19
Episode 19- Articulate Ape Triumphant!!
Dec 06, 201597 views
Episode 20
episode 20 - The Good guys always win!
Feb 28, 2016427 views
Crunch Crakerton is a world famous super strong and invulnerable midget. He has battled time traveling dinosaurs, fought Intergalactic despots and outsmarted a super villain or two. He is immortalized by his successful toy line, cartoon series and several movie adaptions. When he's not busy saving the world or traveling to alternate dimensions he likes to spend his free time on his artificial island headquarters. Even though Crunch constantly faces deadly dangers he continues to treat life like one big party and it seems like the party is never going to end.
Crunch's allies in his battle against evil and the unknown are:
Thom Bray - Crunch's best friend and confidant. He is a former masked crime fighter who came to the realization that there were better ways to make a difference in the world than to beat up whatever super villain of the week it was.
Dr. Melody Chance - An expert in time travel. She oversees the Time lab on Crunch's island.
Agent Double Danger - The greatest hero of the Cold War. He is twice as strong, fast and patriotic as any other American. He is working with Crunch to discover who locked him in an underground bunker in suspended animation almost 60 years ago.
Boone Philips - Ace Reporter and instant hostage. She is currently occupying a lot of time in Crunch's love life lately much to the disgust of Dr. Melody Chance.
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Crunch Crakerton is a world famous super strong and invulnerable midget. He has battled time traveling dinosaurs, fought Intergalactic despots and outsmarted a super villain or two. He is immortalized by his successful toy line, cartoon series and several movie adaptions. When he's not busy saving the world or traveling to alternate dimensions he likes to spend his free time on his artificial island headquarters. Even though Crunch constantly faces deadly dangers he continues to treat life like one big party and it seems like the party is never going to end.
Crunch's allies in his battle against evil and the unknown are:
Thom Bray - Crunch's best friend and confidant. He is a former masked crime fighter who came to the realization that there were better ways to make a difference in the world than to beat up whatever super villain of the week it was.
Dr. Melody Chance - An expert in time travel. She oversees the Time lab on Crunch's island.
Agent Double Danger - The greatest hero of the Cold War. He is twice as strong, fast and patriotic as any other American. He is working with Crunch to discover who locked him in an underground bunker in suspended animation almost 60 years ago.
Boone Philips - Ace Reporter and instant hostage. She is currently occupying a lot of time in Crunch's love life lately much to the disgust of Dr. Melody Chance.
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Crunch Team-Up: Universe
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[2015] Countdown to Countdown
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Comic Science fiction 52.4k likes
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Out of the Blue
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