3 episodes
Episode 1
I Like to Pretend I'm Not Picking A Fight
Feb 16, 201720 views
Episode 2
Resolving The Issue
Feb 17, 201727 views
Episode 3
Just A Pontytail
Feb 18, 2017374 views
This has nothing to do with the actual era of history from 1837 - 1901. It's a pun on my name. Hi, I'm Victoria, and this is my era. [Short collection of unconnected comics, in which my drawing style, opinions, and state of mind will seem to change with each chapter.]
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This has nothing to do with the actual era of history from 1837 - 1901. It's a pun on my name. Hi, I'm Victoria, and this is my era. [Short collection of unconnected comics, in which my drawing style, opinions, and state of mind will seem to change with each chapter.]
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