6 episodes
Episode 1
The Zombies That Ate Britain
Aug 18, 2013601 views
Episode 2
The Zombies That Ate Britain
Aug 18, 2013486 views
Episode 3
The Zombies That Ate Britain
Aug 25, 2013321 views
Episode 4
The Zombies That Britain
Oct 06, 201397 views
Episode 5
The Zombies That Ate Britain
Nov 07, 2013183 views
Episode 6
The Zombies That Ate Britain
Dec 31, 2013440 views
It's a limited comic book story about how a few down to Earth ordinary folk, in a poor town in Britain cope, or not, with a zombie apocalypse, while also offering ideas of how a nation like Britain would cope.
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It's a limited comic book story about how a few down to Earth ordinary folk, in a poor town in Britain cope, or not, with a zombie apocalypse, while also offering ideas of how a nation like Britain would cope.
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