3 episodes
Episode 1
Apr 09, 2017213 views
Episode 2
1 - Arrival
Apr 19, 201785 views
Episode 3
2- Hello, Buttercup!
Apr 21, 2017329 views
It is difficult to adapt to a new city, especially when it is an unknown town in the middle of nowhere
Omori, a 12 year old child is optimistic about the new town and school, unaware of the dangers there are in this strange city.
Will Omori remain optimistic after discovering the truth?
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It is difficult to adapt to a new city, especially when it is an unknown town in the middle of nowhere
Omori, a 12 year old child is optimistic about the new town and school, unaware of the dangers there are in this strange city.
Will Omori remain optimistic after discovering the truth?
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