1 episode
Casper Miller is a 14-year-old boy who lives in a fictional town in a forest in Spain. He has an abusive relationship with his friends, but he wants to deny it, thinking that they are very close. His father, seeing his situation, decides to move to get him away from those people, but Casper does not take it well at all, so he runs away from home to the forest, where he finds a book with the power to travel to other worlds and is teleported to another. world. Now, he has to find a way to return home.
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Casper Miller is a 14-year-old boy who lives in a fictional town in a forest in Spain. He has an abusive relationship with his friends, but he wants to deny it, thinking that they are very close. His father, seeing his situation, decides to move to get him away from those people, but Casper does not take it well at all, so he runs away from home to the forest, where he finds a book with the power to travel to other worlds and is teleported to another. world. Now, he has to find a way to return home.
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