The cold air rushed across my face as I swiftly leap down from the roof of a supermarket, my 'victim' gulped as he heard me tap my heel on the brittle, frosty ground to raise my blade. "w-what do you want with me?" the man ask knowing what I was and why I was there "you know 'why' I'm here" I coldly replied jokingly. he gulped once again and froze. I rapidly ran up behind him and speedily lifted my leg to his neck. he didn't do anything but close his eyes, "unfortunately for you, my masters always tell me to go easy on my victims so, what are your last words?"I complained "g-goodbye m-mum--"he stammered as I cut the back of the neck and killed him.
"What I do is not at all gruesome or scary it's just.... violent. I guess I might be different because I didn't have a normal childhood as people would call it, I mean growing up thousands of annoying males is odd right?, but i can't see my life going any other ways so accept it as it comes. My life wasn't always fighting and practicing, for 8 years of my life I've been doing nothing really just picking flowers and finding bugs every day till my ninth birthday where I found the training area. If you were wondering I'm sixteen year old girl called Mai, I'm rather ambitious and I will never leave the oath! (because I'll get killed)."
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