2 episodes
Episode 1
The sweet taste of your blood
Aug 04, 2019148 views
Episode 2
Aug 04, 2019103 views
“Vampires, those pale, ugly, blood-sucking creatures. Only from looking at them I feel disgusted, like how girls can even think that they are handsome? How can you like a movie where the main character is an ugly vampire? And the worst of all, fall for him? " That what was thinking the old Jain, until the day she met him.
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“Vampires, those pale, ugly, blood-sucking creatures. Only from looking at them I feel disgusted, like how girls can even think that they are handsome? How can you like a movie where the main character is an ugly vampire? And the worst of all, fall for him? " That what was thinking the old Jain, until the day she met him.
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