Ryoko was on her knees, her vision was blurry from the tears running down her cheeks, she didn’t remember where she was and why she was crying, but she tried to wipe her wet cheeks with her hands when something else smeared her face, it felt like water but thicker, so she looked down at her hands, but she couldn’t believe what she saw. Her breathing became rapid and her eyes widened, at the scene; red all over her hands, it was blood, a lot of it but, from whom? She searched for any wound that could risk her life, but she saw none. Then, a smell hit her nose, so nauseous that she almost barfed, the smell of the death was in the air around her, she quickly raised her head, gasping at the scene. The corpses of her fellow hero partners were scattered on the floor around her, their eyes, white, like their souls were torn off them, she tried to get on her feet and run towards Deku, who was in front of her, but she tripped over and fell on a pool of bloodstream, something was underneath her, she crooked her head towards the object that made her fall, one of Bakugou’s gauntlets was on her right foot, she frantically searched everywhere for her loved one. She got up and run, as fast as she could towards Bakugou, dropping herself into the ground next to him, lifting his motionless body, a whole pierced throw his chest, her whole body trembled, tears ran through her cheeks down to his frigid body, running her fingers through his cheekbone. Ryoko hold him tight in her arms, an ear-piercing scream left her throat, soaring it, but it was the last thing that anyone ever listened from her.
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