6 episodes
Episode 1
The Craving
Nov 14, 2018197 views
Episode 2
Chickens Can Run
Nov 14, 2018107 views
Episode 3
Chickenless Soup
Nov 14, 201861 views
Episode 4
Applying for a Job
Nov 14, 201855 views
Episode 5
There's a Dragon in my Chicken
Nov 14, 201840 views
Episode 6
Where's the Meat?
Nov 15, 201873 views
A demon with four arms and an eccentric personality. A man whose life is as boring and depressing as a blank canvas. One trip to Hell.
While trying to cook chicken soup, Tom summons a demon. Soon, he finds himself exploring the different layers of Hell, seeking for the perfect chicken soup. However, what starts as an innocent journey, turns into a life-threatening experience when war unleashes between The Queen of Hell and Death.
In the search for the perfect chicken soup, one man, a demon and an old lady end up battling for their lives in a war that will decide the future of Hell.
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A demon with four arms and an eccentric personality. A man whose life is as boring and depressing as a blank canvas. One trip to Hell.
While trying to cook chicken soup, Tom summons a demon. Soon, he finds himself exploring the different layers of Hell, seeking for the perfect chicken soup. However, what starts as an innocent journey, turns into a life-threatening experience when war unleashes between The Queen of Hell and Death.
In the search for the perfect chicken soup, one man, a demon and an old lady end up battling for their lives in a war that will decide the future of Hell.
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